Sunday, December 12, 2010

Use your computer to a child

Computer - is no longer a luxury but a means of understanding the world and a storehouse of information. Child is two years, and he climbs on the handles to the Pope and was happy to look at the monitor. Pull the child away from the computer is extremely difficult. We have to create a folder in the Paint, and the baby begins to create its first picture. Education and upbringing of children will eventually lead to the fact that the baby will have new fun and games. First, the child draws little animals when he becomes older and will be confident computer user, will begin play in the game. The next stage of learning the computer becomes the Internet.

Means media are full of articles on the topic of harm your computer, supposedly, he provokes the development of tumors, impairs vision, and even zombiruet, thus causing the child's dependence. Therefore, education of children is most often based on the fact that prohibit child use a computer. Yet throw your computer to hurry you should not need to understand what all the same age a child can be allowed to the computer? How to approach the problem computer and the baby? Parenting in the first place should be directed to the fact that the child is first settled into the usual age.

And so up to three years, it behind a computer doing nothing at all. All the necessary knowledge of a child can get at this age and without a computer. It is best if the house has a computer, and parents often use them, the child must learn to use it closer to the age of 7 years, time spent at the computer kid should specifically be restricted by parents, not more than two hours a day. An exception is cartoons, which a child with a happy look on a good computer monitor.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat for dinner, lunch buckwheat, buckwheat for breakfast, here's the secret! Week buckwheat mono-diet - and you're in the minus!

The recommendation in this diet is only one: we have buckwheat. But it is not usual, and then in a saucepan over low heat for about twenty minutes, and a little damp. It's funny that all of your daily diet you can cook in one night. And thus, no need to hang around the stove with a ladle.
Take buckwheat (preferably crushed) and boiling water. Zaley buckwheat one to two and close lid. It will retain all the beneficial properties, and in the morning you can have a meal. But mind you! Salt, spices, oil and even more mayonnaise - for you this week does not exist.

To not be bored on a Greek, you can diversify the diet of a liter of 1% of th kefir and a pair of green apples. Buckwheat can eat as much as you like. But you should not eat more than 4 hours before bedtime. But if unbearable, drink a glass of kefir.

Plans: one week to lose weight by 4-7 kg
Advantages: buckwheat diet slogan: "Cheap and fast." In addition, it helps cleanse the body and the removal of residues.
Difficulty: buckwheat to hate with all my heart you have little time at first glance. However, there are amateurs, "Buckwheat" appetite are not pereshibesh week mono-diet. Abuse diet should not be - after all, this limitation deprives the body of important nutrients, which it obtains from other products.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A sense of pride has a negative impact on a diet

If a person is fully satisfied with himself and his achievements, there is a likelihood that he will opt for junk food. In this assured by experts from the University of Chicago, University of South Carolina College and Babson College Baru.

Scientists state: the pride of the work done or achieved goals weakens self-control. This increases the risk that people will give up the slack and fall through, eating unhealthy foods, despite the rigid diet. These observations were confirmed during the experiment.

The researchers gathered a group of student volunteers and offered them a choice of two gift certificates, previously inquired about a sense of pride in their accomplishments and deeds. One certificate can be used for study, and another - for entertainment.

In the end it turned out, students often feel proud of themselves, quickly choose a certificate for entertainment. By the way, an additional experiment proved that: a sense of pride pushed consumers to buy french fries instead of vegetable salad....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reovirus help treat cancer

Common virus that causes cold symptoms have or bowel disorders, can defeat the malignant tumor. Researchers from Georgetown University organized a clinical experiment in which test the ability of the agent to work on some types of cancer.

In five years, the child is likely to be infected with reovirus. Picture of the disease when the infection is as follows: cough, bouts of diarrhea, sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. Thanks to the human body's immune system kills the virus itself. The researchers found that the virus develops into cancer cells, and their presence inhibits the growth of tumors. This work was aimed at identifying the possibility of using the virus for the treatment of cancer.

The researchers called artificial genetic mutation of the virus, because of which he lost the ability to infect humans. Malignant cells are forced to mutate genes KRAS or EGFR, and these genes make cancer cells vulnerable to the effects of the virus. When the cell mass of the reovirus enters cancer, it is something like an explosion.

It is now planned clinical trials of the virus with cancer patients. They will introduce the virus in combination with drugs and to monitor how the tumor will behave.

Pandemic flu this winter will not be

WHO experts say that the winter season 2010-2011, an epidemic of swine flu no threat to mankind. In addition, the World Health Organization assures us that in the past year, pandemic threat was real, and that all information about artificially fomented panic should be considered unreasonable.

Strain of influenza A/H1N1, has extended a year ago, this year will not cause mass infection. WHO predicts the spread of seasonal influenza, which will be the agent itself or the A/H1N1 strain of H3N2. The best method to protect themselves from the flu vaccine remains. This mainly concerns people at risk category.

The representative of WHO, Mr. Gertl commented on allegations of PACE Committee on Health Care. This body has accused the WHO of artificial stoking panic and exaggerate the dangers of swine flu. Gertl said that last winter, pandemic threat was very real, because the virus strain that appeared then, was not known before. Less than a month the agent dispersed throughout the world, that is, they were clear signs of a pandemic.

WHO subverts all the accusations of collusion with the pharmaceutical giants, and draws people's attention on the importance of flu shots as the only effective method of preventing this dangerous viral infection. Mr. Gretel says that with any pharmaceutical company in the world, WHO has not signed a secret treaty, and that all the rumors about it - no more than a lack of awareness of those who disseminate them.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Living in Britain and the U.S. refuse to bathe

The number of people who flouts the rules of hygiene, is growing every day, according to The Guardian, with reference to The New York Times. Many consciously avoid the soul and tap water at all. Press has dubbed this trend "escape from the soap."

As an alternative, soul, and deodorants are encouraged to use lemon (should squeeze it into the armpit), baby wipes. Although someone on the debt of forced to bathe once a month, and use deodorant at all pointless. This in particular relates to fishermen.

In this case, these trends can be observed not only in the U.S. and Europe. So, last year's survey found that 41% of British male and 33% - women do not wash daily. And only 12% once or twice a week to fully wash. And independent research company Mintel found: more than half of British teenagers do not wash every day, using deodorant and perfume to mask the odor.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

High blood pressure (hypertension)

High blood pressure - some 20 million people in Germany are affected. The problem is that if the diagnosis is made, has the disease often go unnoticed for years already done damage. Healing can not reduce the high blood pressure, but. High blood pressure (technical terminology: arterial hypertension) is a common disease - one in four adults in Germany suffer from it. Still, the dangers of hypertension is underestimated. The main reason is that hypertension usually does not make any complaints at the beginning. If the diagnosis of high blood pressure then placed randomly or in a screening test, it is difficult to accept for those affected, do something about a "reading" or abstract values to have.

High blood pressure - an overview

Symptoms due to the complications set in with high blood pressure an often delayed for years. These can then usually not undo. Only if hypertension is detected early and managed to meet her, can avoid serious and potentially fatal consequences. High blood pressure can affect virtually every organ. The increased blood pressure in the damaged vessel inside the long run, especially the arteries, which in turn provide the body with blood. Complications are especially common in the brain, eyes, heart and the kidneys. reduce the high blood pressure - that is thus the goal of any treatment. So much so that the blood pressure is distributed throughout the day as the values that lie within the normal range. Often high blood pressure at the start is already helping a change in lifestyle: exercise, sports, reduce obesity, balanced diet, reducing stress. The next step is medication for high blood pressure appears - at first mostly a drug, and later combinations of several substances. Thus, the blood pressure by drugs and can usually set their own doing well.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Autoimmune diagnosis with blood tests and ultrasound

If the complaints lead to the doctor, have the history and the palpation of the thyroid, the direction, leading the way in the diagnosis but are blood tests and ultrasound examination. The blood test can be found in more than 90% of those typical TPO antibody and in 70-80%, the Tg antibodies. Indicator of a sub-function is a higher value for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) - a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, even if the thyroid hormone levels are still within the norm. In the ultrasonic examination typical changes in autoimmune thyroids can be identified. Only occasionally to the exclusion of other diseases further investigations such as scintigraphy or the removal of a tissue sample is required.

Lifetime Replacement Therapy

Cure for the autoimmune thyroids is not yet unfortunately. The therapy, however, a normalization of the hormonal balance can be achieved. For the lifetime of the lack of thyroid hormone replacement is necessary. Levo thyroxine is first prescribed in low doses, then increased until the appropriate amount of customization is achieved. This is reflected in the normalization of TSH levels (preferably by 1 μU / ml), which is controlled by regular blood tests. Of greatest importance in the treatment of pregnancy, is to prevent physical and mental harm to the unborn child. The capture of the trace element iodine should be avoided, as it fuels the autoimmune process continues. According to studies, however, selenium has a positive influence on the well-being and the level of antibody levels.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Allergies - Forms

The most likely reasons Heuschnupfenvor, it is pollen, perpetrators. In addition to birch, alder, hazel and grass pollens cause of late, unfortunately, pollen from ragweed and ash runny noses and red eyes. Although the lungs are affected, it is called allergic asthma, which may already occur in children.

Besides pollen and mold, deteriorate a high concentration of pollutants in the air, particulate matter and ozone causes asthma or the disease. An allergy to dust mites also leads to difficulty in breathing, aggravates eczema and can develop into asthma. Unfortunately, we must reckon with an animal allergy, not only with skin redness, but also with respiratory problems. Contact allergies usually manifest themselves with eczema - just a neurodermitic skin is very sensitive to fragrances, cosmetics or medicinal plants. Also, piercing, tattoos or permanent make-up are not recommended to everyone - it can lead to improper approach to an allergy. When the sun allergy the skin reacts with small pimples on the UV-A radiation. Even on medication, skin and digestive tract allergic reaction - even stress exacerbates existing allergies. Food allergies such as egg allergy are not quite as often, however, cause digestive problems of any kind, and are distinguished from the more common allergies such as lactose intolerance. For example, the Chinese restaurant syndrome, a glutamate-intolerant. Insect venom allergies are rare, but can lead because of the strong immune response to cardiovascular arrest!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Treatment against diabetes: know your options

What is the secret to control his diabetes? Know your treatment options! The main treatment of diabetes and ways to profit.

Changing lifestyles

This is the first step in the treatment of type 2 diabetes (the type where the body does not produce enough insulin or does not respond well to the insulin it produces). This step is also part of the treatment with insulin for people with type 1 diabetes (where the body produces no insulin).

You want to maximize the change in your lifestyle? Just like a Hollywood star, you will pay much attention to your eating and exercising. Here are some lifestyle changes that can help control your diabetes:

* Exercise. In addition to helping you to feel good about yourself and improve your physical appearance, the exercise will help you maintain your weight and control your blood sugar, in addition to reducing your risk of suffering from a heart disease and give you an energy boost.
* Follow a meal plan designed for diabetics. Consult a dietitian to create a personalized healthy meal plan. Most plans are to reduce consumption of fat, salt and sugar and consume more fiber, protein and low fat foods with low GI (glycemic index measures the rate increase blood sugar in a food) such as lentils and couscous.
* Stop smoking. Smoking not only causes cancer. This habit also destroys blood vessels. Diabetes also damages them, which explains why smoking and diabetes is a very bad combination.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Specific Foods

How much protein?

Despite what many people believe an active lifestyle, protein from foods like meat, chicken, eggs or fish are not an important source of fuel for exercise. Weight lifters and distance runners may have needed a larger amount of protein that the Sunday Sport. However, the food we eat regularly from a variety of foods is more than sufficient for most of us.

Eat vitamins C and E

Experts have suggested that to be active particles produced free radicals can damage cells and genetic material (DNA). He would then eat foods rich in antioxidants like vitamins C and E to help repair the damage. Foods rich in these vitamins include strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, olive oil, wheat germ and nuts.

Eat foods rich in iron

Studies have shown that runners, particularly females, were likely to have low levels of iron. This is explained by the fact that they eat less meat (rich in iron), absorb less iron and consume fewer calories. It is important to eat iron-rich foods like dried fruits, spinach, fortified cereals and meat low in fat.

Benefits of Vitamin B1

Thiamine helps your body convert blood sugar into energy. It keeps your mucous membranes healthy. It is therefore essential for the nervous system, cardio-vascular and muscular. Read also: Heart health for the whole family: 10 good habits.

Vitamin B1 is an essential nutrient that plays a role in supporting the nervous system and in protecting your nerves against degeneration and lesions. Vitamin B1 helps your organs and nerves to transmit messages to each other (eg when your brain tells your leg muscles to jump. Also read: Combat stress: foods to fight against stress.

How to add vitamin E to your diet?

Prepare a mixture of nuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, dried fruit, breakfast cereal, granola bars, etc.. as well as some very dark chocolate (it's a mixture of popular and known people who make the hike). Read also: Healthy Eating: 10 Tips to Healthy Eating.

You can also eat whole grain cereal in the morning with wheat germ and almonds sprinkled over. Enjoy with green leafy vegetables served as a side dish rather than a plate of pasta or rice. Read also: Healthy Food, 15 fruits and vegetables very healthy.

Make a delicious crab salad using light mayonnaise (mayonnaise and crab are both good sources of vitamin E). With a little planning, you'll see that it is not difficult to eat a diet full of natural vitamin E, without having to swallow vitamin E. Read also our healthy recipes.

Foods rich in vitamin E

Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of vitamin E. The best of each category are almonds and sunflower seeds. Also read: 6 super foods to add to your diet.

50 grams of almonds provide 12 mg of vitamin E. While 50 grams of sunflower seeds provide 20 mg of vitamin E is 3 times the recommended daily intake, which is 30 IU.

Oils from oleaginous plants (plants grown specifically for harvesting their seed or fruit rich in fat, which is extracted from the oil for food, energy or industrial) and vegetable oils (including margarine) are good sources of vitamin E, but take only trans fat free margarine (made with healthy oils). Read also: Olive oil may help prevent obesity.

Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin E (90 g of spinach provide 1.5 mg), but a sweet potato is still a better source since 115 grams of sweet potato are already making 7 International Units of vitamin E (which is 4 mg of vitamin E). You can meet your daily requirement of vitamin E by eating 115 grams of sweet potato with a tablespoon of margarine without trans fat. Read also: Vegetable Green: 9 best greens.

Other good sources of vitamin E are based cereal grains, wheat germ, seafood, eggs, avocados (half a lawyer provides 2.4 mg of vitamin E). Read also: Avocado: a fruit rich in good fats and nutrients.

If you make a low fat diet to lose weight, try to include still some sources of vitamin E as sunflower oil, nuts and whole grains. Read also: How to choose good carbs when doing errands.

These 8 foods you guarantee an increase of energy you need to spend the day without strokes:

1) Soy

Soy is rich in phytoestrogens energizing (plant estrogens). Soy tastes better when combined with oatmeal for breakfast with fruit or a milkshake.

The Okinawa diet is among those who recommend more regular consumption of soy. Thus, soybeans contain more protein (by volume) than beef.

Although some studies suggest that soy might be linked to fertility problems in men, soy can alleviate hot flashes and help women to live well with menopause.

2) turkey on whole wheat

The combination of lean meat and whole grain bread provides protein and endurance, to finish with tiredness.

3) Peanut Butter

A tablespoon of peanut butter on whole wheat crackers gives you more protein and fat to reduce appetite and tiredness with.

4) Bean Soup

The bean soup is a good source of fiber, folate and iron. Light will make you quickly forget the strokes.

5) whole-grain cereals fortified

Treat yourself to these cereal with skim milk and a banana. This is a breakfast full of B vitamins (in grains), calcium and protein (in milk) and potassium (the banana), to give you lots of energy to start the day.

6) Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts

As long as you eat them in moderation (they are high in calories), these nuts are an excellent source of oilseed proteins.

Not only do they regulate the strokes, but the dried fruit oil seeds can also improve performance of runners (Board # 3).

7) Hummus

Chickpeas are the main ingredient in hummus, and are a good source of fiber and iron. You can easily find hummus in Lebanese restaurants.

8) A mixture of dried fruits and nuts

These mixtures are a good source of all minerals, but do not overeat because they are also high in calories. With these mixtures, say goodbye to strokes.

What do you think of these 8 foods that make up the energy levels to prevent strokes? Read reviews or give your opinion by clicking here (comments will appear after moderation) or respond to the forum by clicking here.

What causes a deficiency in vitamin E?

A lack of vitamin E in your body causes neurological problems due to a poorer nerve transmission. This nerve damage include problems such as spino cerebellar ataxia (neurodegenerative disease characterized by a set of signs and symptoms characteristic of a more or less severe in the cerebellum, which results in difficulty walking and the balance) and myopathy (neuromuscular disease resulting in degeneration of muscle tissue). Read also: Reduce the risk of brain diseases through diet.

A deficiency of vitamin E may also cause anemia due to oxidative damage exerted on red blood cells. Read also: Anemia: Food to treat anemia.

Recommended daily intake of vitamin E

Health experts recommend eating 10 International Units of vitamin E per day.

Remember that 1 International Unit vitamin E is the biological equivalent of about 0.667 milligrams of d-alpha-tocopherol (2 / 3 mg exactly). This means that you are advised to consume at least 6.7 mg vitamin E daily. Read also: Vitamins are not automatic for children.

That vitamin E can not do

While it was thought that vitamin E could reduce the risk of heart disease, recent studies have shown that this remains unlikely. In fact, a 2005 study even showed that taking vitamin E supplements may actually increase the risk of cardiac arrest. It is also one more reason to get this vitamin through food containing vitamin E rather than through vitamin supplements. Read also: Healthy Food for the heart, to keep the heart healthy.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why do we need foods rich in vitamin E and the benefits

> Why do we need foods rich in vitamin E also? What are the benefits of vitamin E?

Vitamin E is an antioxidant vitamin which is important for maintaining healthy cell membranes that are exposed to oxidative damage. Vitamin E is the best antioxidant for this work because it is soluble in fat (not water) or cell membranes are made of fat molecules. Read also: 20 antioxidant-rich foods to eat to live long.

Vitamin E may be especially important to protect the health of brain cells. In fact, some studies show that vitamin E may slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E also helps recycle other important antioxidant is vitamin C. Read also: Do not consume enough vitamin C is he gaining weight?

Vitamin E may increase fertility when taken in supplements by men as by women wishing to improve their fertility. A small U.S. study found that among men treated for IVF with their partners, those who took vitamin E had their fertilization rates increase by 19 to 29%. Researchers believe the antioxidant activity of vitamin E increases fertility. Studies of larger and stronger are still needed to confirm this study. Also read "Foods to increase fertility in women" and "Soy linked to fertility problems in men.

Vitamin E, acting as an antioxidant, improve the efficiency of blood circulation in the scalp, due to greater consumption of oxygen in the blood. Vitamin E helps to provide oxygen to the blood and thus retards cellular aging. Its antioxidant properties also help prevent fatigue, strengthen capillary walls, to bring food to the cells. Read also: Health Food: 20 food good for health.

Vitamin E can prevent and dissolve blood clots. This vitamin is also used to prevent infertility and other diseases such as muscular dystrophy. Because vitamin E is an essential part of cell membranes, it helps to heal wounds and improve the appearance of scars. Read also: 7 healthy foods that can heal and promote good health.

The point of eating natural sources of vitamin E

Vitamin E is not a single molecule but a group of eight slightly different molecules: 4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols. Among these 8 forms of vitamin E, the most active is called the alpha-tocopherol. Each of the 8 forms of vitamin E have different functions and strengths. It is therefore important to get vitamin E through diet rather than supplements . By consuming foods rich in natural vitamin E, you will receive the full extent of the benefits of vitamin E. Read also: Vitamins for weight loss, vitamins for weight loss.

When you buy a supplement of vitamin E on drugstore, you often buy the most powerful form of vitamin E called alpha-tocopherol. However some studies have shown that tocotrienols forms have more advantages than tocopherols to prevent diseases. Fortunately , you get all the forms of vitamin E when you consume this vitamin naturally through foods rich in vitamin E. Read also: List of vitamins and calories more than 400 foods.

Vitamin E: benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E is an essential vitamin. Discover its benefits , what causes vitamin E, foods rich in vitamin E. ..

Vitamin E is a lipid soluble vitamin, but not in water. Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Foods rich in vitamin E thus help slow the aging of the skin and ensure the structural stability of body cells. Vitamin E is recognized as an essential nutrient. Read also: Nutrients essential nutrients to consume the 7 priority.

Toxicity of vitamin C

No scientific study has demonstrated that consumption of vitamin C can harm your body. In fact, your body can not store or make vitamin C, the risks of toxicity are tiny, even if you consume dozens of times your recommended daily nutritional intake. Read also: Vitamins for weight loss, vitamins for weight loss.

Although recent studies suggest that your kidneys excrete through your urine vitamin C present in excess in your body, experts agree that adults older than 19 years should limit their daily nutritional intake of vitamin C to 2 000 mg. Eating more (of many) that this threshold could result in some people's DIARRHEA , stomach pain, higher levels of acidity of urine, gout, kidney stone formation. Read also: Food for gout: what to eat when you have gout?

However, in almost all the people, the daily consumption of very large doses of vitamin C (several grams per day) does not pose a danger to health. Read also: List of vitamins and calories more than 400 foods.

Benefits of vitamin C

Another name for vitamin C is ascorbic acid. This water-soluble vitamin is one of the most important nutrients for your organization (who does not know the store or the manufacture). Vitamin C is an antioxidant that promotes health and fight against cancer. This nutrient plays a role of protector to prevent free radicals from damaging your cells. Read also: Nutrients essential nutrients to consume the 7 priority.

Vitamin C also protects your skin and gums everyday wear. This essential nutrient also helps to avoid heart disease. Moreover, it is valuable in preventing joint disease, cataracts, osteoporosis and in the development of scar tissue. Read also: Healthy Food for the heart, to keep the heart healthy.

Vitamin C also helps fight against fatigue, colds, sore throat. It helps to regenerate vitamin E, helps convert vitamin B9 to its active form, plays a role in the production of red blood cells. It promotes the use of iron and thus reduces the risk of anemia. Read also: Anemia: Food to treat anemia.

Vitamin C: benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin. Discover its benefits, what causes vitamin C, foods rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin C is important and many people know, because the vitamin is the world's most famous and widely used in supplements. But the vitamin C does more than simply fight against colds and fatigue. Vitamin C is also an essential nutrient that helps your body to grow and develop properly. Still, experts estimate that six French do not get the recommended daily nutritional intake of vitamin C. Read also: Do not consume enough vitamin C is he gaining weight?

Tips to get more vitamin B6

For more vitamin B6, you can try:

1. Eating fruits and vegetables: many foods lose their vitamin B6 for treatment. Canned vegetables, for example, contain 60% to 80% of vitamin B6 in less than fresh vegetables . Frozen fruits lose about 15% of their content of vitamin B6,
2. Eat whole foods (not processed): Like most nutrients, almost all the vitamin B6 contained in a food that is lost when food is processed. Processed foods are lower in nutrients than fresh foods or complete,
3. Cook foods rich in vitamin B6 Apart: foods rich in this vitamin lose it when cooked with acidic foods (like oranges or tomatoes). Cook them separately and then you get more vitamin B6

Foods rich in vitamin B6

If you adopt a healthy and balanced diet, getting enough vitamin B6 should not be a problem. There are many delicious ways to get your daily dose of this vitamin rich in antioxidants . Read also: 20 antioxidant-rich foods to eat to live long.

Some of the best sources of vitamin B6 include:

* Spinach (boiled, 100 g): 1.55 mg
* Garlic (100 g): 1.23 mg
* Bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna (cooked or grilled, 100 g): 1.04 mg
* Beef Liver (fried or grilled, 100 g): 1 mg
* Octopus (steamed or boiled, 100 g): 0.7 mg
* Banana (1 medium banana): 0.6 mg
* Chicken without skin or fat (roasted, 100 grams): 0.5 mg
* Turkey breast (roasted, 100 g): 0.47 mg
* Potato (baked, 100 mg): 0.34 mg
* Red pepper (raw, 100 g): 0.15 mg
* Watermelon (diced, 100 g): 0.14 mg.

Recommended Dietary vitamin B6 per day

Health experts recommend eating the amounts of vitamin B6 include:

* Children (under 6 months): 100 micrograms (mcg) per day
* Children (7-12 months): 300 mcg per day
* Children (1-3 years): 500 mcg per day
* Children (4-8 years): 600 mcg per day
* Men's (9-13 years): 1 milligram (mg) per day
* Men (14 to 50 years): 1.3 mg per day
* Men (51 years): 1.7 mg per day
* Women (9-13 years): 1 mg daily,
* Women (14 to 50 years): 1.2 mg per day,
* Women (51 years): 1.5 mg per day
* Pregnant women (19 years): 1.9 mg per day,
* Women who are breastfeeding (19 years and older): 2 mg per day.

What types of people at risk of vitamin B6?

People who take drugs: Vitamin B6 is one of the nutrients disappear more easily in the body, especially when it comes to the organization of people taking antibiotics or drug treatment of long duration. A number of drugs, ranging from oral contraceptives to antifungal drugs, can deplete vitamin B6 in your body. Read also: Drugs that can cause obesity.

Smokers: because of the carcinogens in cigarettes, smokers need to consume in some cases double the amount of vitamin B6 in which non-smokers need. This also applies to people who suffer from passive smoking. Read also: Why smokers gain weight when they quit smoking?

Other people at increased risk of vitamin B6 deficiency: those who suffer from congestive heart failure, severe renal insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, cirrhosis. Read also: Blood pressure: lower blood pressure and hypertension.

Toxicity of Vitamin B6

This vitamin is normally causes no adverse effects to less than 100 mg per day. However, prolonged use of vitamin B6 to 200 mg per day can cause peripheral neuropathy (usually reversible). Read also: Reduce the risk of brain diseases through diet.

Here are the UL B6 per day:

* Children (1-3 years): 30 mg maximum daily
* Children (4-8 years): 40 mg maximum daily
* Children (9-13 years): 60 mg maximum daily
Teenagers * (14-18 years): 80 mg maximum daily
* Adults (over 18): 100 mg maximum per day.

Vitamin B6: Signs and symptoms

Because vitamin B6 is essential for the functioning of your body every day, there are different symptoms that may indicate your lack of vitamin B6. Read also: Nutrient Deficiencies: top 5 nutritional deficiencies.

Signs and symptoms of vitamin B6 include:

* Eczema or seborrheic dermatitis,
* Dry, irritated or itchy,
* Convulsions or attacks
* Anemia
* Exhaustion, depression or malaise
* Headaches.

Vitamin B6: benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a vitamin vital. Discover its benefits, what causes vitamin B6, vitamin B6-rich foods.

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin essential because the body can not manufacture or store. The organization must get vitamin B6 in foods consumed each day. Forms of vitamin B6 present in foods are: pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. Read also: Vitamin B1: benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in thiamin.

It is difficult to find a body function that does not depend on the Vitamin B6. In addition, getting enough vitamin B6 daily may help ward off dozens of diseases (hypertension, depression, acne, epilepsy, etc.).. Regimes an update with you on the benefits and risks of vitamin B6, vitamin B6-rich foods and ways of getting enough. Read also: Food and Acne: links, causes and effects

Tips to get more vitamin A

If you are not vegetarian, the most easy to get your recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin A is to eat meat. If this is not an option, here are some suggestions to consume more vitamin A:

1) Avoid alcohol: because alcohol reduces the reserves of vitamin A in your liver, reduce the consumption of alcohol will increase the amount of this nutrient in your body. Read also: The calorie cocktails are not happy hour.

2) Eat more fatty foods: vitamin A needs fat to be absorbed and used in the body. So try not to over reduce the consumption of fat in your diet and do not rely solely on foods without fat or low fat. Choose unsaturated fats. Read also: fat and fat cells: 7 things to know.

3) Eat 5 servings of fruits or vegetables per day: whether you're vegetarian or carnivorous, adopt a diet rich in vegetables and fruits yellow or orange should help you achieve your recommended daily dietary intake of beta-carotene and other carotenoids. Also read: Eat more vegetables: 10 tips for eating more vegetables.

Food containing a lot of pro vitamin A

Food (vegetable origin) containing a lot of pro vitamin A (to be converted into vitamin A by the body) are:

* Sorrel (100 grams): 11 000 mcg
* Carrots (100 g): 2 000 to 10 000 mcg
* Spinach (100 g): 2 000 to 9000 mcg
* Turnip (100 g): 7000 mcg
* Apricot (100 g): 1 000 to 7000 mcg
* Chervil (100 g): 6200 mcg
Dandelion * (100 g): 6000 mcg
* Parsley (100 g): 5000 mcg
* Dried apricots (100 g): 4000 mcg
* Brugnon or escarole (100 g): 2000 mcg
* Chicory (100 g): 1 800 mcg
* Red cabbage (100 g): 1 500 mcg
* Dried peaches (100 g): 1 200 mcg
* Lettuce (100 g): 1 000 mcg.

Foods rich in vitamin A

Chances are that you do not consume too much vitamin A from dietary sources. And get your nutrients, including vitamin A from food instead of relaxing on supplements is still recommended. Vitamin A is findable in meat and eggs (absorbed as retinol) as well as in food orange and green vegetables , among others. Read also: Vegetable Green: 9 best greens.

Food (animal) containing lots of vitamin A (preformed) are:

* Oil Halibut (100 grams): 200 000 mcg
* Cod Liver Oil (100 g): 180 000 mcg
* Tuna liver oil (100 g): 150 000 mcg
* Turkey liver (100 g): 33 000 mcg
* Beef Liver (100 g): 7 000 to 12 000 mcg
* Chicken liver (100 g): 7000 mcg
* Veal Liver (100 g): 5000 mcg
* Fish (100 g): 20 to 1000 mcg
* Butter (100 g): 600 mcg
* Whole egg (100 g): 300 mcg
* Oyster (100 g): 100 mcg
* Cheese (100 g): 60 to 100 mcg.

Recommended Dietary vitamin A per day

Health experts recommend eating the amounts of vitamin A include:

* Children (under 3): 300 micrograms (mcg) per day
* Children (4-8 years): 400 mcg per day
* Children (9-13 years): 600 mcg per day
* Teens and adults (over 14): 900 mcg per day
* Pregnant women (under 18): 750 mcg per day
* Pregnant women (over 18): 770 mcg per day
* Women who are breastfeeding (under 18): 1200 mcg per day
* Women who are breastfeeding (over 18): 1300 mcg per day.

Due to risks of toxicity (see the "Toxicity"), doctors have also defined a threshold level of tolerance to daily supplementation with vitamin A by a healthy population. Here the maximum amount per day you can get vitamin A:

* Children (under 3): 600 micrograms (mcg) per day
* Children (4-8 years): 900 mcg per day
* Children (9-13 years): 1 700 mcg per day
* Teens (14 to 18): 2800 mcg per day
* Adults (19 years and older): 3,000 mcg per day
* Women who are pregnant or lactating (under 18): 2800 mcg per day
* Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding (over 18): 3000 mcg per day.

Vitamin A toxicity

Although vitamin A deficiency are rare, you can consume too much vitamin A. The hyper vitamin A (vitamin A or abuse) indicates an excessive storage of vitamin A in the body. The presence of excess vitamin A can cause the following effects:

* Congenital diseases,
* Abnormal liver
* Reduction of bone density (which can lead to osteoporosis),
* Loss hair
* Bone growth disorderly
* Excessive skin dryness or peeling,
* Central nervous system disorders.

Severe toxicity of vitamin A may occur after drinking large quantities of this nutrient (especially after fees) over a very short period of time. Symptoms of severe toxicity of vitamin A are:

* Loss of appetite,
* Irritability
* Exhaustion,
* Nausea and vomiting
* Dry, brittle nails,
* Migraines,
* Dizziness,
* Blurred vision,
* Depression
* Schizophrenia,
* Anemia.

People suffering from vitamin A pancreatic disorders:

The pancreas secretes enzymes that help absorb the fat in the body. Without these enzymes, our bodies are less able to absorb fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamin A. Read also: Accelerate metabolism with 5 vitamins and minerals.

Children: some children living in Western countries, for reasons still unknown and subject of various studies in progress, more difficult to store vitamin A. These children are at risk of vitamin A. Children subject to the risk include very young children, preschool children, children living below the poverty line, children without immunization, children who are recent immigrants from developing countries, children with disease of the pancreas, liver or intestines. Read also: Vitamins are not automatic for children.

What types of people at risk of vitamin A?

Although vitamin A deficiency are rare, several groups of people may miss this important nutrient. Read also: Nutrient Deficiencies: top 5 nutritional deficiencies.

Vegetarians and vegans: because preformed vitamin A from animal foods is more available to be absorbed by the body than carotenoids from plant foods, vegetarians will have more difficulty in obtaining their nutritional recommended daily vitamin Vegans are at even higher risk. Also read: Lose weight with diet vegetarian / vegan.

Drinking alcohol drinking too much alcohol reduces stores of vitamin A in the liver, thus reducing the overall amount that is in the body. Read also: Alcohol and blood sugar: 9 tips to manage.

People suffering from digestive diseases: people who suffer from celiac disease, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome have a higher frequency DIARRHEA (one of the main ways for vitamin A to be excreted from the body) and lower rates of absorption of vitamin A. Read also: Celiac disease: food for people with celiac disease.

Vitamin A Deficiency: Signs and symptoms

Most adults have a reserve of vitamin A in their livers (as a fat-soluble nutrient, vitamin A is preserved in the fattest parts of the body). So vitamin A are rare but not impossible. Signs that you may lack vitamin A include:

* Hyperkeratosis, an appearance similar to goose bumps on the skin,
* Increased sensitivity to viral infections,
* Decreased night vision, photophobia,
* Night-blindness, night blindness, hespéranopie,
* Hair loss,
* Loss of appetite,
* Abnormal bone
* Slow growth.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a large group of fat-soluble compounds (soluble in lipids but insoluble in water) that promote good vision, bone growth, reproduction and cell growth. Vitamin A also keeps your immune system in good shape by protecting the walls of your lungs and intestinal tract and producing white blood cells (cells of human blood contains a nucleus, also called leukocytes, which mainly plays a role in defense the body against foreign agents). Read also: Immune system: how to strengthen the immune system?

There are two types of vitamin A:

* Preformed: preformed vitamin A is derived exclusively from foods of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, etc..). It is absorbed as retinol (the form most useful to vitamin A) and esters of retinol,
* Carotenoids: Vitamin A-like carotenoids from fruits and vegetables , and must be converted to retinol by the body. There are over 560 carotenoids in nature, but the body still absorbs less than 10%. One of the most important carotenoids is beta-carotene, an important nutrient that can prevent certain diseases like cancer.

Vitamin A: Benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential vitamin. Discover its benefits, what causes vitamin A, vitamin rich foods ..

Vitamin A is a super nutrient that provides numerous benefits according to recent studies. Vitamin A plays an important role in the prevention or treatment of dozens of health problems including acne, cataracts, osteo-arthritis, psoriasis, ulcers, varicose veins, etc.. It is therefore important not to suffer from vitamin A deficiency, and eat enough foods rich in vitamin A daily. Read also: Vitamins for weight loss, vitamins for weight loss.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Symptoms and Complications

Some children feel a tingling on the back of the neck just before an asthma attack. People observe warning signs that they can learn to interpret. Some of them, such as sore throat, are obvious while others, such as sunken eyes, a feeling of tiredness, irritability or discoloration of the face, may go unnoticed.

Asthma also varies in intensity. Asthma symptoms may still be present or occur only upon exposure to allergens. Whatever the severity of asthma, typical symptoms include:

* Tightness in the chest;
* Cough,
* Shortness of breath;
* Wheezing.

In cases with more severe asthma, these symptoms may occur at night.

Wheezing is a symptom of asthma, the best known, but the expiration of all people with asthma do not necessarily become wheezy. Some people only have a cough, but they can not discipline her.

A really severe asthma attack can present a mortal danger. Even if air reaches the lungs, the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood can be fatal. If you can not breathe, or if it is for a family member, call 911 or call-your neighborhood, especially if the medication does not effect normal.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Allergic rhinitis


Sometimes called hay fever or pollinosis, allergic rhinitis called affection literally means "allergic nose inflammation. It owes its name to the element that comes from the Greek rhin "nose" and the ending-itis, which refers simply to inflammation.

Allergic rhinitis can last a season or all year. For most people, an allergen (something that causes an allergic) triggers symptoms at about the same time each year. In spring, their operation is usually due to tree pollen, while grass pollens dominate in the summer, and those weeds in the fall. Most people with allergic rhinitis are more sensitive to an allergen.

Chronic allergic rhinitis occurs all year round. This condition is more common in people who react to allergens throughout the year. Obviously, people allergic to dust mites or their pets suffer whatever the season. Allergic rhinitis affects approximately 20% of Canadians.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fashion victim: fashion or health, make the right choice!

The question is whether the mode is compatible with health. A woman scientist has to list the dangerous accessories for woman's health. For your back, to escape infection or allergy, follow these recommendations.

Health: What are fashion accessories that must be wary?

The handbag: sore back and neck, coupled with a risk of infection!

This essential accessory is often much too heavy. By dint of piling umbrella, papers or bills of any kind, makeup kit, telephone and other notebook, back and neck may suffer. Then a board, weigh your bag and limit yourself to 5 kg.

The other great danger of the handbag is that it conveys all kinds of microbes (wallet, growing sandwich, makeup ...). However, many of these bacteria are potentially responsible for gastrointestinal, urinary infections, meningitis. Then a second board, get regular cleaning in your bag and clean it often, both outside and inside.

High heels: ankle pain Onion ...

Although known to podiatrists, high heels are the cause of bunions or hallux valgus. What's this? It is a deformity of the foot: the big toe deviates so exaggerated, causing pain and difficulty wearing shoes. The problem is that only surgery can fix.

But perched high heels, so elegant they are, they can also cause pain in the ankles and knees. Sometimes the back toasts.

So to avoid orthopedic consultation, go back to flat shoes. The ideal heel is 2-3 inches and in his shoe, he must be able to move my toes!

Jewelry: Watch for allergies

Avoid jewelry nickel. This metal is responsible for allergies cause itching and redness of the skin. Of course, wearing gold jewelry is ideal, but there are other non-allergenic materials such as platinum or hardened steel.

False nails are to avoid

Brittle nails or just for vanity's, the temptation to wear false nails acrylic is great. However, it is best to resist! The slightest bump can do is take off, while a slight mistake at the time of installation can move the natural nail. Finally, the seeds become lodged between the natural nail and nail acrylic resulting in a risk of bacterial or fungal infection.

Even in fashion, know discern what is good for you that could put your health at risk.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cosmetics: what are the ingredients to avoid

Some substances contained in cosmetics are not very recommendable. Learn to read labels of your products! You can then remove those whose composition is suspicious and prefer foods that contain natural substances without risk to your skin and your health.

What are the ingredients in cosmetics may be harmful?


(Butylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben)

Allergens, endocrine disruptors and probably carcinogenic, parabens are used as preservatives in cosmetics. This ingredient is banned in organic products.

The lauryl sulfate

(Ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate)

Surfactants, they are also used to generate the foam shower gels and shampoos.

But lauryl sulfate are highly irritating to the skin. They are also prohibited in organic food.


(Alcohol, alcohol denat)

They are used as solvents and preservatives. They dry out and irritate the skin. Products containing alcohol are not recommended for dry, sensitive and babies. They are however allowed in organic products.

Formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing

(DMDM hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea, quaternium-15E)

They are antimicrobial preservatives used in gels and cleansers featured in some kits manicure. But formaldehyde is carcinogenic, allergenic and irritating. It is prohibited in cosmetics.

The thiazolinone

Both thiazolinone are antimicrobial preservatives, forming between them Kathon CG. They are found in all categories of cosmetics. They are highly allergenic, and as such, prohibited in organic food.

Triclocarban and Triclosan

These antimicrobial preservatives and bactericides are suspected of toxicity to the body. They are found mainly in deodorants or anti-acne. Their strength will soon be lowered. Cases of contact allergy have been reported.

Quoter naries

(Compounds ending in-monium,-chloride,-bromide)

Hair conditioners and preservatives, they are primarily used in shampoos and rinses. They are irritants, pollutants and prohibited in cosmetics.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Beautiful hair: 3 Mistakes to Avoid!

For beautiful hair, you need a bit of luck but above all take care. But often in the care of our hair, we have bad reflexes that are actually cons-productive. Here are some valuable advice ...

Error No. 1 for the beauty of hair: Overdosing active ingredients

Shampoos are now often overlap between cosmetic and skin care product. They contain active ingredients more effective. And so much more ... To a certain extent! Indeed, these ingredients do not have to be overdosed on pain of developing problems other than those that motivated their use. Therefore alternating their use with that of a mild shampoo for hair and does not contain potentially aggressive, like a baby shampoo. This advice is especially true if you use a dandruff shampoo, fall, or intended for oily hair.

Standard No. 2 for the beauty of hair: Rinse Evil

It is very important to rinse her hair when washed. Indeed, the silicon content in the vast majority of shampoos and other beauty products for hair tends to weigh them down if much remains in the hair after shampooing. Furthermore, these products also increase the tendency of hair grease. So have carefully hand in your hair after rinsing your hair. If you find a place sticky or not, a little too slippery, do not have to go in the shower! Be especially careful if you use lots of different products.

Error No. 3 for the beauty of hair: Heat too much

Use a hair dryer is nothing wrong per se, on the contrary: according to Dr. Dominique Van Neste, a dermatologist specializing in hair, it's beneficial to their health and their beauty. Indeed, if the scalp is still wet for long after the shampoo, it encourages the growth of bacteria, so the pimples or folliculitis. In contrast, heat the hair too much is very bad, especially if they are still wet. The high temperatures will damage the fiber and in fact make it brittle.

Beautiful hair is also a question of age

If you have long hair, and if you find that your hair is brittle, inflexible and brightness, the solution may be simply a visit to the hairdresser. Indeed, knowing that the hair grows at a rate of one centimeter per month, tips of longest hair on your head is more than three years. "Imagine the state of a garment that you would have worn every day for three years! It would fall to pieces ... The hair is very resilient, but their age ends still always be" explained Dr. Van Neste.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Age spots? Explanations and tips

We often call them "age spots". The freckles are indeed one of the signs of aging, which emerge over time and often with assault of the sun. The knowledge is good, but how to react, even better!

Lentigines, presentations

The lentigines are flat spots (we do not fix the touch). Their color can range from light brown to dark brown, and their surface is a few square millimeters, but they are often accompanied by white spots, smaller. These age spots appear more readily on surfaces frequently exposed to the sun: face, hands and décolleté. Unfortunately, these are also the areas most visible ... and age spots are one of the nightmares of coquettish when they appear. Typically, this occurs after the onset quarantine, but it can happen earlier.

Dangerous or not?

As such, the freckles are not a disease and they do not fool dangerous. It is a simple disruption of the melanin in the skin due to repeated attacks from the sun. However, it is useful to monitor, because a cancerous lesion may develop from a lentigo. However, the vast majority of people affected by the freckles, the disadvantages are only cosmetic in nature. This difficulty can however be important ... It is therefore worthwhile to consider how best to combat them.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heart Disease and sugar

Heart Disease and Sucre Una sweetness, it does not refuse ... But to stay in shape, especially after a heart attack, we must know that sugar and eat properly.

Sugar, not too enough!

Sugar is the foundation of our energy and our brain is very fond, so we must consume enough. But not too ... For not used, the sugar will participate in the formation of fat, and is co-responsible for overweight or obesity, bad for the heart.
The sugar can be both good and bad. In practice, it is the source of some misconceptions need to know to keep the pleasant side of sugary foods.
Fine teeth for life
We eat too soft!

Obesity and bypass: how to eat after surgery?

Most sugar is too beverages

Most of us believe that the sugar is basically sugar and suddenly we pay special attention to chocolate, candy, jams and cakes ... Yet the vast majority of sugar that we consume too much, almost 80%, from beverages:

* Alcohol: Sugar is the cause and once consumed, it becomes alcohol sugar in our body. Moderate consumption can make 5% of calories per day ... Multiplied by 300 days per year that is a lot of calories. As for those who drink a little or a lot, this may represent over 10% of daily calories. This explains many bellies in men ...

* Fruit juices, including orange juice in the morning is the concentrated sugar. It is better to take a fruit, freshly squeezed orange juice for example, rather than using a glass of fruit juice. In the long run it saves a lot of calories ...

* The soft drink, Fanta, Coke, lemonade, etc.. : It is also concentrated sugar. Prefer soft drink without sugar.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Against diabetes, bet on the greens

A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, has long been part of advice on nutrition to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Studies are now going further ...

Cons of type 2 diabetes, only green vegetables protect

The first publication (1), a meta-study (the researchers grouped all value studies done on the subject and have converted their results to achieve a result that says the state of science on the subject), the effects of increased consumption of fruits, vegetables or both are not significant with regard to type 2 diabetes. In contrast, individuals who consume more green leafy vegetables (like spinach or chard) saw their risk of developing type 2 diabetes reduced by 14%.

Why the greens are they useful against diabetes?

The reasons why green vegetables help fight against type 2 diabetes are not known very clearly. Historically, scientists believed that the antioxidant activity of vegetables that prevents some chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, by fighting against free radicals which has been shown that they can cause an early onset. But the leafy greens are among the richest in antioxidants ...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We eat too soft!

We eat too soft! With changing food habits, we eat and nibble more food and sugary soft. Finally, we chew enough, leading to adverse consequences on our weight and our teeth.

Less chewed, the more you eat

When we eat soft food, chewing is unimportant. But chewing strengthens our feeling of satiety. Thus we tend to eat more food when they have a soft consistency (hamburger, for example) because they swallowed more quickly but also because the satiety signal arrives later.

Chewing too little teeth alters

In the long run, jaws working less and less and the bones are no longer stimulated. Accordingly, the teeth become less resistant.
And who says eating soft, says eating sticky, sugary and fatty foods. Result, caries and tartar grows, and the gum is assaulted.
And finally, since chewing is reduced, the production of saliva is reduced. N
ow it has a self-cleaning.
Read phonetically

Monday, August 23, 2010

Indoor pollution

Indoor pollution: even the politicians are concerned!

Between March and May 2010, the air quality inside offices and homes of 35 MPs and senators, and Secretary of State for Environment, Chantal Jouanno was analyzed by investigators UFC-Que Select.

Result: 29 of these places have made a living air quality "bad", the other 7 do not exceed the word "average." In other words, in none of the homes tested the air quality has been described as "good"!

Benzene and formaldehyde, carcinogenic substances, were specifically detected in the samples. In some homes, these pollutants exceeded four times the minimum rate recommended. For formaldehyde, this was especially the case for the sample collected from the member Jean Mallot. For benzene, the MP Georges Colombier received the highest value. Conversely, the lowest rates were obtained among members André Flajolet and Jerome Lambert.

Wishing to draw attention to this widespread public health problem, UFC-Que Choisir "calls on legislators, especially those who participated in this survey, to act by adopting a Great Law of the fight against air pollution Internal.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Orientation and Gender Identity

Orientation and Identity sexuelle Chacun feels very own personal sexuality. And there are two very important and complementary aspects: gender identity that matches the gender (I am man or woman?)

Sexual Identity

Gender identity is the feeling of being fully man or woman. It's not as simple as that may seem! Indeed, outside of anatomy and hormones, there is also a social conditioning. Everyone learns to become a man or woman of his environment, because we do not deal with a little boy as we take care of a little girl. We do not talk to them in the same way, we do not interpret their attitudes in the same way, we do not ask them the same things ...
So when everything goes just, and this is the case most of the time, everything is obvious and classic! As adults, we get people feeling fully men attracted to women, or women fully women attracted to men ...


But sometimes you may become a grown man, and do not feel very manly, then there is suffering, that of a sexual identity slightly felt. At the extreme, we can meet men who perceive themselves as women: this is called transsexualism. On women, it is also possible to feel very unfeminine, to live poorly in her female identity. This can even cause a female to think, to consider, as a man. And it also transsexualism.
Along with this question of identity, there is another personal aspect of sexuality: sexual orientation is. I can be a man and be attracted to women. This is the most common situation! But I can also feel 100% manly man and be attracted to men. I feel so gay.
And I can be a woman, like most women attracted to men, or a woman attracted to women.
The difference between sexual identity and orientation is sometimes misunderstood. An example: it is sometimes said that homosexuals are effeminate. If this is true for some gay men (that is noticed more than others), we simply can not make a generalization: A gay man may well have a strong masculine identity and not feel feminine at all .
And it is the same for women. A very feminine woman, a healthy woman's sex, may be attracted to women.
We must therefore separate identity and sexual orientation that may not have a clear link between them and which lead to very different problems.
Thus, what is often suffer a difficulty in accepting to live with his sexual identity. If I am a woman and my breasts bother me, I judge myself as ugly woman, I may be struggling to accept me woman! This gives a lack of confidence ...
For sexual orientation, homosexual way when obvious suffering is that of acceptance by the surroundings, and society that domestic personal suffering. It is also necessary to know how to locate, which can also ask many questions ....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Backache, headache for our teens glued to their screen!

Backache, headache for our teens glued to their screen! In addition to promoting physical inactivity and overweight, the hours spent in front of a TV screen, computer and console games are also accused of giving the wrong back and cause headaches. What is it really?

It is a fact, youth have more backache and a headache!

The pain in the back, neck and shoulders, as are headache, do not just affect adults but also teenagers. Among young people aged 12-19 years, the main concern felt pain the head, immediately followed by the back. The stomach ache is only in third position. But we also find that the complaints are more frequent. For example, between 1991 and 2001 they increased by studies, 22-50% for males and 44-50% among girls.

The decrease in physical activity, poor posture, a binder too heavy, are all factors that could contribute to the increasing frequency of pain among adolescents. Unless the time spent watching TV or a computer, which has also sharply increased in parallel, that explains this ... A European study helps answer this question.

The screen is it generates pain in the adolescent?

This study included 30,000 adolescents aged 11-15, living in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland. They were asked to evaluate the average time they spend on daily activities on screen televisions, computers (work and / or leisure), game console.

They should also indicate the frequency with which they felt pain in the neck, lower back, headaches, etc.. (Less than once monthly, once, twice a month ...). Finally, the authors took into account the physical activity of candidates.

They find that among boys, 15-31% are prone to headaches and 11-21% suffer from backache. For girls the percentages are 26-44% for headache and 11-26% for the back. Finally, subjects who complain the most pain are those who spend the most time in front of a screen. The activities on screen thus increase the risk of pain in adolescents.

Caution, however, this relationship between screen and pain is not very strong. This means that activities on screen are not the only factor generating pain.

Friday, August 13, 2010

5 criteria to choose the right schoolbag

5 criteria to choose the right car table are so many models and at all prices, it is not easy to choose the right school bag for her children. If you are unsure, here are the main criteria you should consider.

A good binder is light

Once completed, the binder must not weigh more than 10% of the weight of the child. It is best to choose a small satchel, especially since surveys consistently show the subject in reality, children are much more often double, with a schoolbag that weighs more in the 8 kg.

The package is to be practical and not wider than shoulders

It is a criterion to meet: no binders wider than shoulders. It must be adapted to the level of education, age and morphology. But also easy to use and therefore easy to handle.

Rigid and durable

The child who tends to store its supplies in bulk, a rigid and resistant binder is preferable not to hurt his back.

With wide shoulder straps and padded

Large padded needed for comfort. Remember that the whole weight of the schoolbag weighs on the shoulders.

Ideally strap keeps the binder in a good position and limit its movements.

Briefcase on wheels or not?

The advantage of wheels is obvious, provided they do not have stairs to climb. So the question you should ask before making his choice on a briefcase on wheels! If you live on the 2nd floor without elevator and your child's class is also located on the 2nd floor, a wheeled briefcase has more disadvantages than advantages, because it is heavier!

And wear something heavy like a binder for example, children must learn to do it properly to avoid back problems. As explained in the Ministry of Education, do not lean the torso forward, keeping your legs straight, but bend them as much as possible and always lift the load as close to the body.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Your grocery list to face the season of colds and flu

You probably do your best to provide a balanced diet for your family to keep them healthy. But did you know that our immune system is so hard to keep us healthy? Healthy choices we make, such as the fact of consuming dairy products and low-fat protein, products made from whole grains and fruits and vegetables, enhance our immune system.

However, during the season of colds and flu, it is important to give an additional boost to our immune system to protect us against infection. You can strengthen your immune system by adding these foods to your grocery list for the season of colds and flu.

A good bowl of soup to your health! The soup is an essential food when ill. The portion size can be easily adapted - making it a perfect dish to satisfy the capricious appetite of a sick person. Indeed, nothing beats a good bowl used to treat a weak stomach or a sore throat, or a good vegetable soup (mushroom, celery or carrots) to boost the immune system. The steam emerges from a hot soup can help relieve nasal congestion and calm the tremors that accompany the fever. What about chicken soup? When you are ill, our body mounts an attack defense against pathogens and nutrients contained in the cup chicken can strengthen the immune system during this battle in order to eliminate these symptoms.

Long live the green! Difficult to admit that our mothers are always right, but it's true: we must eat our vegetables!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pertussis Support

* Preventive care: Vaccination

Pertussis vaccine
In France, the pertussis vaccine was introduced in 1959 it was extended in 1966 because of its association with diphtheria, tetanus and polio. (1)

Since the introduction of vaccination, it was found:

* 95% collapse in the number of pertussis cases and deaths
* But a resurgence of the disease in adolescents and adults.

The currently used vaccine (acellular) is better tolerated than the older vaccine (whole cell vaccine) that marketing is currently stopped. The secondary reactions, especially fever are less frequent. (6.10)

The pertussis vaccine provides immunity excellent but transient (not exceeding ten years): Callbacks vaccine are needed. (7)

In France, the vaccination is recommended at the age of 2 months because the infant pertussis can cause serious and sometimes fatal.

General recommendations (3)

Vaccination against pertussis is practiced with the acellular pertussis vaccine combined with other valences.

The primary immunization of infants has three injections one month apart, followed by a booster at 16-18 months. Given the persistence of a high incidence of pertussis in young infants, infected adolescents or young adults, a booster is recommended since 1998, between the ages of 11 and 13 years.

This second recall in early adolescence should be practiced in conjunction with the third recall diphtheria, tetanus and polio with a vaccine DTCaPolio.

For children who have escaped this recall at 11-13 years, catching up will be performed by the administration of a quadrivalent vaccine DTCaPolio, at the age of 16-18 years.

For children who received out recommendations, a pertussis booster at age 5-6 years, the pertussis booster 11-13 years will be deferred and a quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio be proposed at the age of 16-18 years.

In addition to the strategy called cocooning (see below "specific recommendations"), catching up with the pertussis vaccine quadrivalent dTcaPolio be proposed at any adult who had not received vaccination against pertussis during the last ten years, including at the decennial booster diphtheria-tetanus-polio 26-28 years, with the quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio.

In the current state of knowledge, including the duration of protection and safety of repeated doses, there is no need to administer more than one dose of quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio adults.

Specific recommendations (3)

Vaccination against pertussis is also recommended for adults who become parents in the months or years (called cocooning strategy), and during pregnancy. The updating of vaccinations for other family members (children not updated for this vaccination, adults who have not received vaccination against pertussis during the last ten years) is also recommended as follows:

* During pregnancy for the father, brothers and sisters possible and, where applicable, the adult responsible for the custody of the infant during the first 6 months of life, but also the grandparents may occasionally keep their grandchildren ;
* For the mother immediately after birth (breastfeeding is not a cons-pertussis to vaccination);

In adults, the minimum time between vaccination DTPolio administration of quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio can be reduced to two years.

Occupational hazards (3)

Vaccination against pertussis is recommended for:

* Nursing staff as a whole, including in residential homes for frail elderly (retirement homes), with a quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio at a point ten DTPolio,
* Students of medical and paramedical courses, on the same principle as the caregivers,
* Professionals in contact with infants too young to have received three doses of pertussis vaccine,
* The medical and paramedical staff of maternity hospitals, neonatal units, or any department of Pediatrics supports infants under 6 months
* Staff of early childhood (nursery, daycare, ...).

For all of these medical professionals, paramedical and in contact with infants, small children or the elderly, the minimum time between vaccination DTPolio the quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio can be reduced to two years.

Upon the occurrence of clusters in communities, this period may be reduced to a month.

Schedule of immunization against pertussis

* Primary immunization of infants: one dose at 2, 3 and 4 months and a booster dose at 16-18 months with a combined vaccine.
* Call to adolescence at 11-13 years (1 dose with a vaccine DTCaPolio).
* Call to adulthood at 26-28 years but if draft parenting, family environment of a pregnant woman, and no vaccination against whooping cough for 10 years (1 dose with a vaccine dTcaPolio ).

Note: A single dose of quadrivalent vaccine is now sufficient dTcaPolio adults. (3)

The goals of adult immunization against pertussis are:

* Reduce the incidence of pertussis in adolescents and adults
* Reduce the contamination of newborns and small infants unvaccinated
* To increase the immune vaccinated groups vis-à-vis this bacterium
* Reduce the circulation of this bacterium

Despite these recommendations, pertussis vaccination coverage in adults remained insignificant in 2006 (7)

* The cure

* Antibiotic treatment:
Antibiotic treatment has no effect on the evolution of the disease and has little effect on the cough but it is nevertheless essential because it eliminates the presence of the bacterium in nasopharyngeal secretions in 3-5 days, which decreases the risk of contamination. (7)
Antibiotic treatment is recommended for all persons in the immediate environment of the patient regardless of age or immunization status.

* Hospitalization in specialized of all infants younger than 3 months is systematic, constant surveillance with a cardiorespiratory monitor. (6.8)

* The single room isolation is important as the subject is contagious, that is to say during the five days following the initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment. (6)
* A satisfactory hydration.
* From the Respiratory physiotherapy to ensure drainage and bronchial pulmonary ventilation satisfactory.
* An adequate supply of food, split, or energy supplements

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pertussis Risk Factors

The main risk factor for the extreme ages of life:

* Infants (age less than 6 months and certainly less than two months).
In infants, pertussis can be very serious or even fatal (5). The majority of deaths occur in infants younger than 6 months.
* Seniors: because of their fragility.

Pregnant women are another risk category.

Finally, point out that there are professions contamination as caregivers because of their contact with the elderly, children, infants under 6 months or more students in medical and paramedical courses. (3)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Food-antioxidants prevent cancer

The food-antioxidants prevent cancer?

The antioxidant foods they help in preventing cancer and heart disease?

Start with a definition: An anti-oxidant is an agent that slows the breakdown of food and certain organic compounds or materials due to the effects of oxidation. Antioxidants can neutralize the harmful effects of free radical molecules that can potentially have toxic effects. Some foods contain anti-oxidants. Some food additives contain anti-oxidants and thus have anti-oxidant.

Statistics show that people who eat fruits and vegetables rich in polyphenols and anthocyanins, lower their risk of cancer, heart disease and some neurological diseases. However, despite the clear role of oxidation in cardiovascular disease, controlled studies using antioxidant vitamins have observed no reduction in the risk of developing heart disease.

This suggests that other substances in fruits and vegetables may explain the better cardiovascular health of people who consume more. The researchers found that people taking Vitamin E supplements reduce the risk of developing heart disease. But none of these studies showed a statistically significant effect of Vitamin E on overall number of deaths or deaths from heart disease.

He is not certain that the doses used in these tests or doses found in most dietary supplements are capable of producing a significant decrease in oxidative stress. A recent study "en dash Supplementation Vitamins and Minerals Antioxidants (SU.VI.MAX) evaluated the effect of the addition of a food supplement at doses comparable to that obtained with diet healthy.

In this study, 12,500 French men and women took low-dose antioxidants or placebo tablets for an average of seven and a half. The researchers found that there was no statistically significant effect of antioxidants on cancer, heart disease and overall survival. However, an analysis of sub-group showed a 31% reduction in cancer risk among men, but no significant reduction among women.

Our recommendation?

This study shows that it would be unwise to consider dietary antioxidants and more generally food supplements as an effective safeguard to prevent cancer. These products are rarely prescribed by physicians, and medical shows traditionally a reluctance on the latter. It can provide additional protection only. For us, this study shows clearly that it is much better to encourage a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The main challenges in the mental sport

Focus - Mental preparation:

"Having nerves of steel", "cool head", "handle the pressure" or "playing small arms" are expressions that reflect ancient or recent origin and complexity for an athlete to achieve his athletic goals with the fullness of his physical and mental together. Today, consult a psychologist who specializes in sports is an important element in achieving its Ojectives. In reading this issue you will learn to cope with difficult situations that you have already rubbed shoulders for sure you have the means to achieve performance that meets your expectations. So make the plunge lock "that you sleep in calls for professionals and mental preparation you progress!


Stress is a normal reaction of the body. It already indicates that you are mentally prepared for competition. However, too much stress can be harmful and cause a decrease in performance.
There are techniques of regulation of emotions. The latter may not suffice. In this case, it is to understand the psychological reasons for the arrival of stress and difficulty to manage it.


It is rare that an athlete has a sense of complacency. In general, he saw this excess once in his career. This experience will teach him not to sell the bear's skin before killing him.
By cons lack of confidence is a problem frequently encountered by the athlete, and this, whatever their level. Some regional competitors have difficulty imagining that even elite athletes, the elite, may experience this type of problem.
In sport, believe in yourself, in its possibilities is vital. Confidence allows us to dare to take risks, make choices, to address competition serenely ...
Thus, to attack, a cyclist must have a minimum of confidence. Otherwise, it just follows the movement. There will be places but rarely win with people of his level.
The trust is also involved in learning a gesture, especially when it comes to abandon an old automation to acquire another more powerful. This swimmer will hope to level up and learn a different technique in his gestures and then accept to be less effective during this time of learning.
It is all history of self-confidence in his potential, but also, in his coach.
The work on trust is sometimes long because it often results in the education received by our parents but also by our first coaches, educators.
It is also in parallel to learn athlete lacking in confidence to change its stance on him having a more positive discourse.


mental preparation Sports er timely focus often allows the athlete to optimize its performance. Like a shooting at the biathlon (Read the interview with Sandrine Bailly), which should reach to get into the bubble and meet targets heartbeats high, like a basketball player to throw observed by an audience, like a tennis player at service for a ball math, as a climber in the ascent of a route far.
Again, there are techniques to learn to concentrate better. But it is also important to know and evaluate upstream which may disturb our concentration.

De motivation
The main motivation is the key to success. It allows us to experience the stress of driving in a less difficult. It is also invaluable to our progress, to set ourselves goals and achieve them. Most of the time it remains broadly stable over the season. However, it may happen that the urge passes, is shrinking: there is more fun. Sometimes, lack of motivation led to the abandonment of the activity.
The reasons for this motivation: the training too difficult, routine, trainer too authoritarian, too competitive atmosphere in the team, this excessive pressure, physical exertion and / or emotional ...
The psychologist will try to understand how the sport arrived at this state there and help him gradually to restore what he likes about the sport, to finally regain the performance. However, sometimes the athlete discovers that his choice of sport or how to play his sport did not match, is not really his choice. It stops or changes of activity but consciously.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Chemotherapy Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy, sometimes called systemic therapy is the treatment of cancer using drugs. Cancer is a disease in which certain body cells multiply uncontrollably. Cancer cells can destroy healthy cells and invade other parts of the body (metastasis).

Chemotherapeutic agents act on cells that multiply rapidly. Cancer cells and some normal cells reproduce rapidly. When chemotherapy affects healthy cells, temporary side effects can occur. There are ways to alleviate it.

Chemotherapy can be administered alone or with other drugs. It may also be administered simultaneously with other treatments against cancer, or before or after these other treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy or hormone therapy.

Chemotherapy can be administered in many ways. Usually, drugs are injected into a vein (intravenously). For some types of cancer, the doctor may recommend an oral treatment, that is to say taking tablets by mouth. It can also be injected chemotherapy drugs into a muscle (intramuscular), under the skin (subcutaneously) in an artery (intra-arterial) or abdomen (intraperitoneal).


A catheter is a thin, flexible tube with a smooth surface that is placed in a large vein and allowed up as long as necessary. We often install a catheter to patients who require intravenous treatment. In this way, we did not insert a needle each time. The catheter used to administer medicines or to take samples of blood. Sometimes it is connected to a small injection chamber - a small hard round plastic or metal placed under the skin and leaves it up as long as necessary.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bronchiolitis in infants

Bronchiolitis in infants: no panic!

Bronchiolitis in infants are often impressive. Yet experts point out that, in most cases, these respiratory infections recover within a few days without complications and without requiring hospitalization.

With the approach of winter, pediatric services are flocking first victims infants with bronchiolitis. The workload is such that at the height of the epidemic waves some hospitals are forced to use temporary staff. It is true that viral infection of the small airways (bronchioles) is extremely common: 500,000 babies, or nearly one third of children under two years are affected each year. But the use of hospitalization is often misused, as most of bronchiolitis are actually benign and easily cured at home. This is one of the conclusions outlined by the experts assembled by the Anaes, national agency for medical assessment to make recommendations on the management of this important public health problem.

Kine sis rather than drugs:

Bronchiolitis affects infants under two years and are mostly due to respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. Everything starts with a common cold, without much fever and no signs of concern. In five cases, the infection does not resolve spontaneously and is spreading to the bronchi and bronchioles, causing a thickening of the mucosa and an accumulation of secretions, which makes breathing difficult. Cough, faltering and the passage of air into the airways causes a whistling sound audible on auscultation and sometimes even to the ear.

What to do before the degenerates that cold? First consult your doctor and not go to hospital, experts said. In fact, hospitalization is required only rarely. Generally the difficulty breathing ceases in 8-10 days, although cough may persist a minor fortnight. The treatment resulted in two measures:

* A daily chest physiotherapy to help the child to cough up, if the doctor considers it necessary;
* The clearing of the nose by instillation of saline.

However, it is not necessary, except in special cases, administer antibiotics ineffective against viral infections, or cough medicine, the thinner bronchial or any other drug.

Too many hospitalizations:

Two out of three, parents take their child to the hospital. This type of initiative entails risks to bottle pediatric services and increase the risk of contagion, the authors lament. Hospitalization should be reserved for the most vulnerable children, including infants less than six weeks and those with signs of poor tolerance. In summary, parents should consult their doctor promptly if the baby no longer drinks his bottles, vomiting or diarrhea does not respond normally, becomes more and more out of breath, or if the fever rises. The doctor can then decide on a hospital to monitor the child and help him through this difficult period.

It is not uncommon for a baby to go through several bronchiolitis. From the third episode, we talk about asthma in infants. But this does not mean that the infant becomes a child with asthma. Indeed, the development of asthma is largely related to the existence of an allergic remind the experts. Bronchiolitis does not seem in itself to promoting effect.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Heart disease, women are they at risk?

What is heart disease?

The term heart disease can designate many different heart problems. The most common heart disease is coronary artery disease. She says when a fatty substance called plaque clogs the arteries that carry oxygen and nutrients to the heart. A heart attack occurs when an artery is completely blocked.

What is the incidence of heart disease on women?

Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease part, are the leading cause of death among Canadian women. Women are more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than any other disease.

The obstruction of blood vessels occurs slowly. The damage to the heart over the years can interfere with daily activities.

What are the risk factors for heart disease in the case of women?

At menopause, women are at greater risk of contracting heart disease. Researchers do not know precisely why. They believe that the increased risk may be related to decreased levels of estrogen in women during menopause. Not so long ago, it was believed that hormone therapy could help reduce risk in the case of menopausal women. However, according to recent studies, certain types of hormones (estrogen combined with progestogen) can actually increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, blood clots and breast cancer in some women. Therefore, hormone therapy is not recommended now as a preventive measure against heart disease, although it may be useful for other symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes. Women should always discuss with their healthcare provider to monitor the appropriateness of hormonal therapy.

Hypertension (or high blood pressure) causes the heart to work harder than normal and requires an extra stress to the muscle. It also damages the walls of blood vessels and increases the chances they get clogged.

Cholesterol is a type of fat found in foods and also produced by the liver. It is an essential nutrient for the body. However, excess cholesterol can clog arteries and increase the risk of contracting heart disease.

Women with diabetes are at greater risk of suffering from heart disease. A number of factors, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and abnormally high blood sugar, are taken into account the deterioration of the arteries that carry blood to the heart. The plate is formed more easily once the arteries are damaged.

Women who smoke, especially those under 50 years are more likely to have a heart attack than those who do not smoke. The risks are even higher in the case of smokers over 35 who also take oral contraceptives. Women who do not smoke but who are frequently exposed to secondhand smoke also are at greater risk.

Inactive women are twice as likely to contract heart disease than active women. Thirty minutes of exercise four to six times a week, helping to strengthen the heart and prevent heart disease.

Top Overweight:
The more overweight a woman is important, the more likely she contracted a heart disease are high. Weight loss, if only a few pounds, can reduce these risks.

Family history:
A woman is most at risk for heart disease if a close blood relatives (eg, father or mother) was diagnosed with heart disease before age 65.

Although women of all races are at risk for heart disease, this risk is higher in the case of black women and South Asians.

Social and economic factors:
Women whose levels of education and income are lower are more likely to suffer from heart disease. This may be explained by the obstacles they must overcome in order to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle can prevent illness.

Monday, June 28, 2010

body balance

The body balance:

Coming straight from New Zealand, designed by world renowned group Les Mills, Body Balance gyms inspired the world's fresh. Getting mixed stretching and relaxation, strongly influenced by yoga, tai chi, qi gung and Pilates, Fitness version. An effective program to improve its tone, reduce stress and overcome muscle pain, ideal for those who prefer the well-being to the performance ...


This comprehensive and diverse mix strength training, stretching and relaxation, strongly influenced by yoga, tai chi and Pilates. The pace is dynamic, but not hysterical. Everything is choreographed to music, flying or more tonic: Sinead O'Connor, Moby or Nina Simone. The soundtrack, like the choreography, is changed every three months. Result, no weariness possible and progress is made by offset.

Body balance Pour who?

For men and women wishing to improve their tone, reduce stress, gain flexibility and balance. Caution, however, for pregnant women, seniors and overweight people, prevention is better teacher, get the 1st and do not hesitate to ask any questions necessary.

How? A one-hour course is divided into three major phases. Temperature rises based on breathing exercises, then a revival of the joint and start the body like "sun salutation" yoga way. The next muscle strengthening and stretching the legs and hips, back and abs. Finally, we finish the course with ten minutes of relaxation, just to release his tension and really focus on yourself.

Practice and Results:

It can take 2-3 courses to get into the bath. It is advisable to practice regularly, between 1 and 3 times per week at the end of a quarter, it already feels better and more Zen in his body.


Fitness held a comfortable and lightweight, so you feel comfortable in your movements. No shoes, the course is done barefoot to better support the ground.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


As soy is commonly called the fruit of the soybean, a crop which is one of the legumes. Soy is a valuable food because it has a high content of protein. Almost 40% of the plant are made of pure protein. This approximation is sufficient soy protein up to the value of meat and is the ideal food for vegetarians.

In the soybean is very versatile to use in the kitchen. So one can produce from the ground beans, a soy milk, which has proved ideal for lactose intolerance. The pure protein of soybean famous soybean curd, tofu is made. But the seedlings of soybean, the soybean sprouts, nutrition enriched by a number of essential fatty acids and vitamins of the B group.

Additionally, the soy isoflavones valuable, these plant hormones may have a positive impact on hormonal disorders of the female body. Studies in Japan, where a lot of tofu is eaten, have shown that women suffer less from menopausal symptoms there. But on the heart and circulatory system do the ingredients of soy is very positive. Moreover, it was found that in countries with large numbers occur in soy products are consumed cancer and other chronic inflammatory bowel disease is very rare.

But even with the steadily declining support for soybean oil may still represent an important role. For out of soybean oil can be a very valent biodiesel can be produced. The soybean oil derived fuel is characterized by a very high energy efficiency. Almost the entire fuel can be converted into energy by the high yield of energy, it is the ideal substitute for oil. In the fuel from the soybean plant is very environmentally friendly, because it has a very high global warming climate neutrality. That is the burning of biodiesel, which is made from soybean oil caused hardly gases that could harm the atmosphere.

A relatively new discovery is the Sojaseide, this is a textile fabric which is made from soybeans. The Sojaseide is hard to distinguish from real silk, the manufacture is extremely expensive, which is reflected in the price.

What is Orthomol?

In the family of the same company Orthomol are a variety of dietary supplements to treat a variety of underlying conditions. Background for the development of these products was the realization that many diseases, metabolic disorders and therefore need a change, usually it is higher, accompanied of essential molecular components.
These diseases include diseases of the immune system, including infectious diseases, eye diseases such as glaucoma and muscular degeneration, diseases of the joints and bones, for example, arthritic joint disease, arthritis and osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, in Prostate cancer and stress related symptoms such as the burn-out syndrome. In addition, the preparations also for the dietary treatment before, during and after pregnancy, as food for athletes and for menopausal symptoms of women and fertility problems of men employed.

In total the company lists 20 different products that are offered in various forms depending on the preparation of tablets or chewable tablets, capsules or granules or drinking bottles. Depending on the application, the preparations differ in their composition. An essential component of all preparations and dosage forms is a wide range of vitamins, which vary depending on the indication in their composition and quantity. This is supplemented by the addition of trace elements and minerals and phytochemicals, which are mostly derived from plant extracts. In the preparations for the treatment of disorders of the gut flora will be joined by probiotic cultures. Depending on the indication, there are fatty acids, amino acids and other individual ingredients. Especially dependent on the dosage form are found further additives such as emulsifiers, sugar or artificial sweeteners and preservatives.