Thursday, September 1, 2011

Special children - to treat or love?

I lost 22 kg, not starving. Recipes nutrition for weight loss. and other experts like to talk about narrow-minded "sick." But I do not think so. My son is completely self moves. Almost entirely self serving.

The only thing that gives it a feature - this is it . It is not yet phrase and not interactive. For now. For me, what is important. He's really special. He sees the world differently. And this is really interesting and worth attention.

He is able to see a small airplane in the clouds. He immediately noticed a train on the horizon. He has a very close look, and he quickly remembers everything. He amazingly clever.

In five years, he knows the entire alphabet and count to twenty. And he learned it himself. Using the technique, which he also mastered himself. And I still have a strange behavior specialists, who are supposed intended to help us.

Most psychologists and physicians, we are facing, ask standard questions. What is your diagnosis? How are you being treated? You understand that you are soon to school ? You need a corrective kindergarten!

And so on. No one never asked us - and that he cares? But what he really loves? In what area it could open up completely? What are his special abilities? Unfortunately, they only see the diagnoses. Meanwhile, 25% of programmers in the " Microsoft "- autism. Even Bill Gates himself has an autistic spectrum.

It's much more interesting, as she sees the world pictures. As she feels the animals. She understood the other autistic children. As she steps over her fears and learns to communicate with the world. That's what's important. We see the baby in special issues. But all they have and the resources!

Ultrasound during pregnancy - harm or benefit?

Tears of joy and an incredible feeling, seize every woman with the long-awaited and desired pregnancy, replaced by anxiety and fear. Is everything okay with the baby, how the process of its growth and development if there is any deviation ...

Ultrasound gives us joy to see the baby before birth. What a joy - to see how this little person inside of you smiling or yawning. Despite the fact that ultrasound has been opened slightly later than the X-ray beam, the mass began to use it recently. However, in the short term, this procedure became mandatory in many hospitals.

It works as follows: the image that we see on the monitor while lying in a chair with a doctor is nothing more than a signal reflected from body tissues. The sensor, which the doctor sets for pregnant woman's abdomen, produces sound waves.

Hear them, of course, impossible, but these sound waves are reflected from parts of the body at different rates, allow us to see on screen a little tot. Thus, ultrasound is an indispensable procedure in identifying problems such as ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, abnormalities in the development of Child (pah-pah), and much more. Let us consider the main advantages of ultrasound examination.