Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Exercise helps prevent cancer

Exercise is also beneficial for the heart:

Regular physical activity can prevent the development of cancer or help sick people recover faster. That's true for diseases such as colon, breast, lung, and prostate gland.

Scientists at the University of Bristol (UK) conclusion after analyzing many studies related to exercise and cancer.

The results compiled from 15 studies of this type shows that regular physical activity reduces 40-50% risk of bowel cancer, 40% risk of lung cancer and 30% risk of breast cancer (this effect higher in postmenopausal women).

According to health experts, to achieve the above, you need physical activity of moderate intensity, about 30 minutes for at least 3 days of the week, and throughout life.

Examining 36 studies related to those who have been diagnosed with cancer showed that exercise improves quality of life in patients with leukemia, breast, colon, prostate.

Researcher Clare Stevinson, University of Bristol, said: "Treating cancer with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy cause many unwanted effect such as: fatigue, nausea, depression and anxiety. Exercise help balance the body, powerful muscles, patients can feel confident and spiritual improvement. "

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Administration, the drugs are available in the home:

If corn, onions using a clean life, pound, then get the bottle up to the room a few steps back, once per day, after several go away. You can also get out a tree (remove leaves), garlic a bulb purple shell (shell out) retired fine, up into the bottle, took a few steps back. After 6-7 days, calluses will fall off.

A number of other drugs:

Except Ascaris : Operation plants (both roots and leaves) 30 g, washed, chopped, so over with canola oil (fuel to the fire, so fast, do not add water and salt), for children to eat in the morning was just waking up. About two hours later to eat normally. Eat three consecutive days, except worms work, non-toxic.

Updated worms underground duct : Action pound fresh, pressed juice obtained 30 g, 30 g of tea oil (can substitute peanut oil or sesame oil), mix 2 things to drink. It is also possible to take individual things every few minutes.

Updated hit faint wind : Take three clean white onion, pound, squeezed juice, mixed with urine boys (7-10 years) for patients taking it down.

Cure urinary retention facilities :

Take 3 onions washed, chopped, hot stars, chuom fabric in the lower abdomen (the abdomen below the navel, the pubic bone), as many people find to wrap hot chuom, has recently combined chuom hand rub rubbing the palms and feet of patients.

Cure Heat rash : Take one pound onion and mix with vinegar, then back up to where the chrome spontaneous swimming.

Cure of vomiting, reflux in children : Acts 1 bulb, 2 slices ginger, stem fruit market (or pink) 3 children, clean, sharp for a longer half-cup water bowls, 3 times a day for children to drink.

A bulb onion, 2 slices fresh ginger, one cup milk, cooked, filtered drinking water for children.

Administrative work release. Therefore, the use of too much and too long will cause harm to the body.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hairdresser prone to asthma

Drug harm reduction hair color hairdresser:

After surveys in many European countries, he Mostaco found that drugs tend to choose the hair color removal pesunfat derived ammonia is the cause asthma become disease hairdresser career. Particularly in France, each year more than 260 workers with asthma medications.

Note taking medication skin pigmentation, hair loss

To have beautiful skin, need to eat a balanced diet and exercise routine. The cure hair loss, skin pigmentation present only ancillary effects. Furthermore, a drug suitable for some people but can cause complications in the other. Therefore, the use of medications, how to dose the doctor decided to treat directly.

The drug will be used to treat skin pigmentation, hair loss on the market today usually contains the following ingredients:

L-cystine : As sulfur-containing amino acid, which acts regulating pigment melanine (a substance which has black hair, dark skin) and the need for structural keratin (hair make up, hair and nails ). L-cystine found in protein rich foods such as meat, eggs, fish, milk, beans, sesame ...

Biotin (vitamin H), vitamin PP , vitamin B5 : Is the vitamin helps metabolism, better skin and hair development. These vitamins are found in common foods. If every day, I eat well and balanced nutrition is not afraid of lack of vitamins, including vitamin needed for skin and hair.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Laptop Wi-Fi users 'kill sperm'

A small study recently concluded that using Wi-Fi can damage sperm and reduce fertility in men. The reason is that electromagnetic waves from the wireless connection was born.

The experts took semen samples from 29 healthy men and put them under the laptop to use Wi-Fi Internet connection.

After 4 hours, semen samples are affected: 25% and 9% are inactivated DNA damage. The semen samples near the laptop to work, but no Wi-Fi connection is less than the damage, and similar patterns are stored elsewhere.

"Our data shows that the use of laptops and wireless networking to close male genitalia may reduce sperm quality of men," the authors write. However, they also note that this result is not necessarily the case with all other wireless devices, or other conditions affect sperm quality.

This finding has raised fears for millions of men are worn Wi-Fi devices in bags, pockets and close the pocket.

Some previous studies also found that environmental factors can decrease sperm density below the threshold necessary.

A study published earlier this month also showed that the heat generated when you place your laptop on your knees enough to increase the testicular temperature to dangerous levels, may damage sperm, even if only in 10 -15 minutes.

Some scientists said they did not believe the use of laptop would make men sterile. But in this case, consider using desktop computers.