Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Orientation and Gender Identity

Orientation and Identity sexuelle Chacun feels very own personal sexuality. And there are two very important and complementary aspects: gender identity that matches the gender (I am man or woman?)

Sexual Identity

Gender identity is the feeling of being fully man or woman. It's not as simple as that may seem! Indeed, outside of anatomy and hormones, there is also a social conditioning. Everyone learns to become a man or woman of his environment, because we do not deal with a little boy as we take care of a little girl. We do not talk to them in the same way, we do not interpret their attitudes in the same way, we do not ask them the same things ...
So when everything goes just, and this is the case most of the time, everything is obvious and classic! As adults, we get people feeling fully men attracted to women, or women fully women attracted to men ...


But sometimes you may become a grown man, and do not feel very manly, then there is suffering, that of a sexual identity slightly felt. At the extreme, we can meet men who perceive themselves as women: this is called transsexualism. On women, it is also possible to feel very unfeminine, to live poorly in her female identity. This can even cause a female to think, to consider, as a man. And it also transsexualism.
Along with this question of identity, there is another personal aspect of sexuality: sexual orientation is. I can be a man and be attracted to women. This is the most common situation! But I can also feel 100% manly man and be attracted to men. I feel so gay.
And I can be a woman, like most women attracted to men, or a woman attracted to women.
The difference between sexual identity and orientation is sometimes misunderstood. An example: it is sometimes said that homosexuals are effeminate. If this is true for some gay men (that is noticed more than others), we simply can not make a generalization: A gay man may well have a strong masculine identity and not feel feminine at all .
And it is the same for women. A very feminine woman, a healthy woman's sex, may be attracted to women.
We must therefore separate identity and sexual orientation that may not have a clear link between them and which lead to very different problems.
Thus, what is often suffer a difficulty in accepting to live with his sexual identity. If I am a woman and my breasts bother me, I judge myself as ugly woman, I may be struggling to accept me woman! This gives a lack of confidence ...
For sexual orientation, homosexual way when obvious suffering is that of acceptance by the surroundings, and society that domestic personal suffering. It is also necessary to know how to locate, which can also ask many questions ....