Friday, November 12, 2010

Living in Britain and the U.S. refuse to bathe

The number of people who flouts the rules of hygiene, is growing every day, according to The Guardian, with reference to The New York Times. Many consciously avoid the soul and tap water at all. Press has dubbed this trend "escape from the soap."

As an alternative, soul, and deodorants are encouraged to use lemon (should squeeze it into the armpit), baby wipes. Although someone on the debt of forced to bathe once a month, and use deodorant at all pointless. This in particular relates to fishermen.

In this case, these trends can be observed not only in the U.S. and Europe. So, last year's survey found that 41% of British male and 33% - women do not wash daily. And only 12% once or twice a week to fully wash. And independent research company Mintel found: more than half of British teenagers do not wash every day, using deodorant and perfume to mask the odor.


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