Intense sunburn causes the immune system to grow cancer cells, say scientists from yniversiteta George Washington in the USA. Researchers now know why sunburn provoke the development of melanoma - one of the most deadly forms of skin cancer.
A team of scientists led by Dr. Edward de Fabo conducted a series of experiments on laboratory mice and found that when exposed to ultraviolet B-type run specific processes in the immune system.
Macrophages are white blood cells migrate to the superficial layers of the skin and produce immune proteins, called interferon-Y. But instead of protecting the body, as it should be all interferons, type Y can grow cancerous tumors by preventing the natural immune response to it.
"We did not expect to see the IFN-Y as an accomplice in the development of cancer - said De Fabo - he must kill her." Scientists believe that their discovery will help in the creation of new drugs against melanoma, and again warned of the dangers of excessive tanning. Indeed, until the immune system to prevent sunburn is impossible.