An ancient Chinese medicine, the Auriculotherapy is the main objective is to stimulate acupoints in the ear to treat various diseases.
The points can be stimulated through needles or also the so-called scrap, which will adapt to the necessary areas, according to the disease to be dating.
It is widely used within the confines of the aesthetic treatments to lose weight, placing the scrap or needles at points that control anxiety eating. Thus, the person reaches the state of weakness and tranquility in managing to bring forward his diet successfully.
In reality, the issues addressed in the ears in an isolated form are not thin, which will lose weight is the diet in itself, although not equal for everyone.
This type of therapy must always be administered by people who have the knowledge are already a Auriculotherapy as nutrition.
To have success with the diet, it is essential to control the anxiety and the irresistible impulse to eat.
They will always be more effective that the treatments involved in the appearance and nutritional well-being.
Auriculotherapy acts as a supplement for weight loss since it reduces appetite by producing a feeling of well-being and satiety.
The person who is treated by this type of therapy is quieter and has no desire to eat an irrepressible form, it has the positive energies that enable it to advance treatment for weight control.
In the ear they exist infinitely many points of treatment and each maintains a relationship with a specific area of the body. When specific points are pressed with quartz grains or metal microspheres, we managed to produce a reflection effect that works to normalize the functioning of the body.
This is not to make severe sacrifices to stay with hunger or attacking the food, first he must learn to eat, managing to combine well auriculotherapy with an adequate supply, being able lose weight in a proper manner and with still clear that the key point is to change dietary habits.