Friday, September 10, 2010

Beautiful hair: 3 Mistakes to Avoid!

For beautiful hair, you need a bit of luck but above all take care. But often in the care of our hair, we have bad reflexes that are actually cons-productive. Here are some valuable advice ...

Error No. 1 for the beauty of hair: Overdosing active ingredients

Shampoos are now often overlap between cosmetic and skin care product. They contain active ingredients more effective. And so much more ... To a certain extent! Indeed, these ingredients do not have to be overdosed on pain of developing problems other than those that motivated their use. Therefore alternating their use with that of a mild shampoo for hair and does not contain potentially aggressive, like a baby shampoo. This advice is especially true if you use a dandruff shampoo, fall, or intended for oily hair.

Standard No. 2 for the beauty of hair: Rinse Evil

It is very important to rinse her hair when washed. Indeed, the silicon content in the vast majority of shampoos and other beauty products for hair tends to weigh them down if much remains in the hair after shampooing. Furthermore, these products also increase the tendency of hair grease. So have carefully hand in your hair after rinsing your hair. If you find a place sticky or not, a little too slippery, do not have to go in the shower! Be especially careful if you use lots of different products.

Error No. 3 for the beauty of hair: Heat too much

Use a hair dryer is nothing wrong per se, on the contrary: according to Dr. Dominique Van Neste, a dermatologist specializing in hair, it's beneficial to their health and their beauty. Indeed, if the scalp is still wet for long after the shampoo, it encourages the growth of bacteria, so the pimples or folliculitis. In contrast, heat the hair too much is very bad, especially if they are still wet. The high temperatures will damage the fiber and in fact make it brittle.

Beautiful hair is also a question of age

If you have long hair, and if you find that your hair is brittle, inflexible and brightness, the solution may be simply a visit to the hairdresser. Indeed, knowing that the hair grows at a rate of one centimeter per month, tips of longest hair on your head is more than three years. "Imagine the state of a garment that you would have worn every day for three years! It would fall to pieces ... The hair is very resilient, but their age ends still always be" explained Dr. Van Neste.


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