Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Age spots? Explanations and tips

We often call them "age spots". The freckles are indeed one of the signs of aging, which emerge over time and often with assault of the sun. The knowledge is good, but how to react, even better!

Lentigines, presentations

The lentigines are flat spots (we do not fix the touch). Their color can range from light brown to dark brown, and their surface is a few square millimeters, but they are often accompanied by white spots, smaller. These age spots appear more readily on surfaces frequently exposed to the sun: face, hands and décolleté. Unfortunately, these are also the areas most visible ... and age spots are one of the nightmares of coquettish when they appear. Typically, this occurs after the onset quarantine, but it can happen earlier.

Dangerous or not?

As such, the freckles are not a disease and they do not fool dangerous. It is a simple disruption of the melanin in the skin due to repeated attacks from the sun. However, it is useful to monitor, because a cancerous lesion may develop from a lentigo. However, the vast majority of people affected by the freckles, the disadvantages are only cosmetic in nature. This difficulty can however be important ... It is therefore worthwhile to consider how best to combat them.


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