Without any doubt, cancer is one of the most serious diseases that mankind has to face, because its symptoms appear recently in advanced stages, which doctors have to make valiant efforts to find the exact location of this unhappiness, this which generates a time, time is vital to a patient and what could be the boundary between life and death.
But all is not lost, added to quimioterapia and radiation therapy, treatment to combat cancer cells, is vitamin B17, which is also known as laetrile Advanced apricot seeds, which can cure cancer.
It was found that these seeds produce cyanide and Benzaldehído highly toxic, but in which an organization can push 100 times the effect of cancer cells by successfully eliminated in many cases. It is recommended when the disease was detected chew the seeds and take vitamin B17 for at least 3 to 5 times a day to get a perfect result.
If passed by the need for chemotherapy or radiotherapy, it helps to compensate as much carcinogenic effects, being a gift of nature to confront this terrible misfortune.
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