Thursday, October 7, 2010

Foods rich in vitamin A

Chances are that you do not consume too much vitamin A from dietary sources. And get your nutrients, including vitamin A from food instead of relaxing on supplements is still recommended. Vitamin A is findable in meat and eggs (absorbed as retinol) as well as in food orange and green vegetables , among others. Read also: Vegetable Green: 9 best greens.

Food (animal) containing lots of vitamin A (preformed) are:

* Oil Halibut (100 grams): 200 000 mcg
* Cod Liver Oil (100 g): 180 000 mcg
* Tuna liver oil (100 g): 150 000 mcg
* Turkey liver (100 g): 33 000 mcg
* Beef Liver (100 g): 7 000 to 12 000 mcg
* Chicken liver (100 g): 7000 mcg
* Veal Liver (100 g): 5000 mcg
* Fish (100 g): 20 to 1000 mcg
* Butter (100 g): 600 mcg
* Whole egg (100 g): 300 mcg
* Oyster (100 g): 100 mcg
* Cheese (100 g): 60 to 100 mcg.


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