Acidity or burning in the stomach, is an annoyance that many people suffer in general is due to how fast a life that is currently lived.
The main symptom is burning sensation in the mouth to the stomach that is moving up in often arrive at the throat.
The acid is used to produce the malfunctioning valve or sphincter that is responsible for communicating the esophagus with the stomach, the call cardia. The function it performs is to close the stomach and prevent food from returning to the esophagus during digestion.
Often this valve is weakened and treat an open space remains, one which could accommodate the esophagus food and gastric juices which should have remained in the stomach. When it succeeded, the walls of the esophagus and will ignite the heat occurs.
The reasons by which weakens the cardia may be different as abusing a highly seasoned food, like ingesting foods, pregnancy, obesity and a condition known as hiatal hernia.
The causes of the weakening of the cardia are several, from large feasts, ingestion of foods, pregnancy, obesity, until suffering a condition known as hiatal hernia.