Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat for dinner, lunch buckwheat, buckwheat for breakfast, here's the secret! Week buckwheat mono-diet - and you're in the minus!

The recommendation in this diet is only one: we have buckwheat. But it is not usual, and then in a saucepan over low heat for about twenty minutes, and a little damp. It's funny that all of your daily diet you can cook in one night. And thus, no need to hang around the stove with a ladle.
Take buckwheat (preferably crushed) and boiling water. Zaley buckwheat one to two and close lid. It will retain all the beneficial properties, and in the morning you can have a meal. But mind you! Salt, spices, oil and even more mayonnaise - for you this week does not exist.

To not be bored on a Greek, you can diversify the diet of a liter of 1% of th kefir and a pair of green apples. Buckwheat can eat as much as you like. But you should not eat more than 4 hours before bedtime. But if unbearable, drink a glass of kefir.

Plans: one week to lose weight by 4-7 kg
Advantages: buckwheat diet slogan: "Cheap and fast." In addition, it helps cleanse the body and the removal of residues.
Difficulty: buckwheat to hate with all my heart you have little time at first glance. However, there are amateurs, "Buckwheat" appetite are not pereshibesh week mono-diet. Abuse diet should not be - after all, this limitation deprives the body of important nutrients, which it obtains from other products.


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