In 1997, at Sydney airport, Australia, David Huzley pulled a 187-tonne Boeing 747-400 a distance of 91m. He had previously hauled a Boeing 737 and a Concorde.
In the annual Empire State Building Run-up, runners race up the famous skyscraper’s 1,576 steps. In 2006 Andrea Mayr of Austria set a new women’s record of 11 minutes 23 seconds. The overall record-holder is Australian athlete Paul Crake. In 2003, he got to the top in 9 minutes 33 seconds. He also holds the record for the Australian Sydney Tower Run-up.
In 2005, US arm-wrestler Ed Shelton ripped up 55 telephone directories, each 1,044 pages thick. It took him three minutes.
Australian Arulanantham Suresh Joachim holds many endurance records, including a drumming marathon (84 hours), the longest time standing still (76 hours 40 minutes), running 100 miles/ 161km on a treadmill (42 minutes 33 seconds) and crawling one mile/1.6km (37 minutes 17 seconds). In 2006 he announced his intention to run a mega-marathon through 54 countries in 181 days, a distance of over 6,000 km.