A new strain of gonorrhea sexually transmitted resistant to antibiotics, due to its rapid mutation, an international research has shown.
When analyzing this new gonorrhea strains, called H041, researchers have identified gene mutations that make it resistant to all cephalosporin antibiotic line. This is a group of drugs widely used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria. They are very close to the penicillin.
"Ever since antibiotics became the standard treatments for gonorrhea in the 1940s, this bacterium has proven surprisingly resistant to all drugs used to control it."
"Although it is too early to judge whether this new strain has spread or not, but according to historical cases of drug resistance in bacteria, then maybe it will spread quickly, unless there are new drugs and treatment of newly released ".
"The prevention becomes more important, because we know that antibiotics are not always effective. Can affect all ages and everyone should now know how to care their sexual health. "
Anumber of treatments have failed. The worry is that we will find that gonorrhea is becoming more difficult to treat in the next 5 years. In this situation, the best prevention. "
Gonorrhea is one of the sexually transmitted disease most common in the world. Approximately 50% of women infected with gonorrhea have no symptoms. For men, some problems have no symptoms from 2 to 5%.
Once symptoms appear, patients should see a burning sensation during urination and can discharge from the penis. If left untreated, the disease can lead to serious complications and can not be recovered in both men and women.