Friday, October 8, 2010

Foods rich in vitamin E

Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of vitamin E. The best of each category are almonds and sunflower seeds. Also read: 6 super foods to add to your diet.

50 grams of almonds provide 12 mg of vitamin E. While 50 grams of sunflower seeds provide 20 mg of vitamin E is 3 times the recommended daily intake, which is 30 IU.

Oils from oleaginous plants (plants grown specifically for harvesting their seed or fruit rich in fat, which is extracted from the oil for food, energy or industrial) and vegetable oils (including margarine) are good sources of vitamin E, but take only trans fat free margarine (made with healthy oils). Read also: Olive oil may help prevent obesity.

Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin E (90 g of spinach provide 1.5 mg), but a sweet potato is still a better source since 115 grams of sweet potato are already making 7 International Units of vitamin E (which is 4 mg of vitamin E). You can meet your daily requirement of vitamin E by eating 115 grams of sweet potato with a tablespoon of margarine without trans fat. Read also: Vegetable Green: 9 best greens.

Other good sources of vitamin E are based cereal grains, wheat germ, seafood, eggs, avocados (half a lawyer provides 2.4 mg of vitamin E). Read also: Avocado: a fruit rich in good fats and nutrients.

If you make a low fat diet to lose weight, try to include still some sources of vitamin E as sunflower oil, nuts and whole grains. Read also: How to choose good carbs when doing errands.


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