The cooling flavor menthol cigarettes causes faster drug addiction. Doctors have found the body of smokers prefer menthol cigarettes with additives, and gets more nicotine and carbon monoxide.
Even if a person smokes fewer cigarettes per day, menthol contributes to the development thrust to "nicotine stick" because of what was expected of such a tobacco product is twice more difficult to refuse.
Because mentholated cigarettes are much harder to quit, and most quickly can become a chronic smoker. That menthol is not only enjoyable, refreshing and harmless ingredient in cigarettes: a substance masks the negative properties of nicotine and toxins, and develops a lethal addiction to tobacco products. Presumably, the "guilt" of menthol is in its aroma and taste.
Depression and smoking are related genetically:
Chromosome that carries the genes of depression, and were able to link depression to smoking. Analyzed 800 families from the United Kingdom, and the Americans have collected statistics for 91 Australian and 25 Finnish families. At least two close relatives of each family have suffered from periodic bouts of depression.
That depression in families, and attachment to nicotine is often go hand in hand. Smokers with this nervous disorder often try to quit, but they returned to smoking. That the third chromosome region, covering about 90 genes linked depression to smoking.
The plot of the chromosome known as the place of localization of glutamate receptor metabotropicheskogo. This type of membrane receptor, which in nerve cells react to the presence of the neurotransmitter glutamate in the synaptic cleft between neurons. It is believed that this receptor protein is involved in the formation of chronic depression.