Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heart Disease and sugar

Heart Disease and Sucre Una sweetness, it does not refuse ... But to stay in shape, especially after a heart attack, we must know that sugar and eat properly.

Sugar, not too enough!

Sugar is the foundation of our energy and our brain is very fond, so we must consume enough. But not too ... For not used, the sugar will participate in the formation of fat, and is co-responsible for overweight or obesity, bad for the heart.
The sugar can be both good and bad. In practice, it is the source of some misconceptions need to know to keep the pleasant side of sugary foods.
Fine teeth for life
We eat too soft!

Obesity and bypass: how to eat after surgery?

Most sugar is too beverages

Most of us believe that the sugar is basically sugar and suddenly we pay special attention to chocolate, candy, jams and cakes ... Yet the vast majority of sugar that we consume too much, almost 80%, from beverages:

* Alcohol: Sugar is the cause and once consumed, it becomes alcohol sugar in our body. Moderate consumption can make 5% of calories per day ... Multiplied by 300 days per year that is a lot of calories. As for those who drink a little or a lot, this may represent over 10% of daily calories. This explains many bellies in men ...

* Fruit juices, including orange juice in the morning is the concentrated sugar. It is better to take a fruit, freshly squeezed orange juice for example, rather than using a glass of fruit juice. In the long run it saves a lot of calories ...

* The soft drink, Fanta, Coke, lemonade, etc.. : It is also concentrated sugar. Prefer soft drink without sugar.


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