Vitamin E is not a single molecule but a group of eight slightly different molecules: 4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols. Among these 8 forms of vitamin E, the most active is called the alpha-tocopherol. Each of the 8 forms of vitamin E have different functions and strengths. It is therefore important to get vitamin E through diet rather than supplements . By consuming foods rich in natural vitamin E, you will receive the full extent of the benefits of vitamin E. Read also: Vitamins for weight loss, vitamins for weight loss.
When you buy a supplement of vitamin E on drugstore, you often buy the most powerful form of vitamin E called alpha-tocopherol. However some studies have shown that tocotrienols forms have more advantages than tocopherols to prevent diseases. Fortunately , you get all the forms of vitamin E when you consume this vitamin naturally through foods rich in vitamin E. Read also: List of vitamins and calories more than 400 foods.
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