Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scientists argue that work in a busy office impairs mental performance

Scientists have found that working life in the modern bustling office can cause shrinkage of the brain. The situation is aggravated by the current leaders of fashion combined offices, where workers are sitting a few sections that are separated from each other only by small partitions or even entirely without them. So employees can practice without departing from the place to resolve many issues.

The negative consequences of such practices lies in the fact that in the brains of a busy office staff initiated an unnecessary activity that distracts him from work. Neuroscientists cite as an example even divert calls to a neighbor. Not to mention the endless conversations, which hears employee. According to the observations of scientists, this leads to a decrease in the brain.

Much better state of mind turned to those employees whose offices are many pictures and colors. Experts explain that this is due to external stimuli. With regard to the health and well-being, then those employees who can fill the office space your things, these figures grow to 15%.