Sometimes called hay fever or pollinosis, allergic rhinitis called affection literally means "allergic nose inflammation. It owes its name to the element that comes from the Greek rhin "nose" and the ending-itis, which refers simply to inflammation.
Allergic rhinitis can last a season or all year. For most people, an allergen (something that causes an allergic) triggers symptoms at about the same time each year. In spring, their operation is usually due to tree pollen, while grass pollens dominate in the summer, and those weeds in the fall. Most people with allergic rhinitis are more sensitive to an allergen.
Chronic allergic rhinitis occurs all year round. This condition is more common in people who react to allergens throughout the year. Obviously, people allergic to dust mites or their pets suffer whatever the season. Allergic rhinitis affects approximately 20% of Canadians.