> Why do we need foods rich in vitamin E also? What are the benefits of vitamin E?
Vitamin E is an antioxidant vitamin which is important for maintaining healthy cell membranes that are exposed to oxidative damage. Vitamin E is the best antioxidant for this work because it is soluble in fat (not water) or cell membranes are made of fat molecules. Read also: 20 antioxidant-rich foods to eat to live long.
Vitamin E may be especially important to protect the health of brain cells. In fact, some studies show that vitamin E may slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E also helps recycle other important antioxidant is vitamin C. Read also: Do not consume enough vitamin C is he gaining weight?
Vitamin E may increase fertility when taken in supplements by men as by women wishing to improve their fertility. A small U.S. study found that among men treated for IVF with their partners, those who took vitamin E had their fertilization rates increase by 19 to 29%. Researchers believe the antioxidant activity of vitamin E increases fertility. Studies of larger and stronger are still needed to confirm this study. Also read "Foods to increase fertility in women" and "Soy linked to fertility problems in men.
Vitamin E, acting as an antioxidant, improve the efficiency of blood circulation in the scalp, due to greater consumption of oxygen in the blood. Vitamin E helps to provide oxygen to the blood and thus retards cellular aging. Its antioxidant properties also help prevent fatigue, strengthen capillary walls, to bring food to the cells. Read also: Health Food: 20 food good for health.
Vitamin E can prevent and dissolve blood clots. This vitamin is also used to prevent infertility and other diseases such as muscular dystrophy. Because vitamin E is an essential part of cell membranes, it helps to heal wounds and improve the appearance of scars. Read also: 7 healthy foods that can heal and promote good health.
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