It is generally accepted that free radicals cause aging, and antioxidant, inhibiting the reactivity of these molecules, in contrast, slow process. Are part of the normal stress response of the body and have beneficial effects on certain levels.
Maybe the reason for the correlation between free radicals and aging due to the fact that their appearance in the mitochondria caused by a reaction to the damage caused by the aging process. With their help, the body tries to fight.
Specialists also offer a partial explanation of the usefulness of physical exercise: they lead to a slight increase in the level of reactive oxygen species.
In addition, researchers suspect that the positive effect of moderate alcohol consumption does not come from oxidants in red wine, but because of the mild oxidative stress caused by drink.
This does not mean that free radicals are useful. They are beneficial to health only at normal levels, and in case of severe stress or progressive disease caused their harm exceeds the benefit.
That reactive oxygen species contribute to the progression of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, despite the positive effect on the lower levels. They are also the cause of wrinkles on the skin.
The mechanism by which free radicals prolong life, remains unknown.
New point of view, casts doubt on the idea of antioxidant pills, which should slow down the aging process and protect against disease. "If we carry out clinical trials of this drug no effect will be.