Common virus that causes cold symptoms have or bowel disorders, can defeat the malignant tumor. Researchers from Georgetown University organized a clinical experiment in which test the ability of the agent to work on some types of cancer.
In five years, the child is likely to be infected with reovirus. Picture of the disease when the infection is as follows: cough, bouts of diarrhea, sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. Thanks to the human body's immune system kills the virus itself. The researchers found that the virus develops into cancer cells, and their presence inhibits the growth of tumors. This work was aimed at identifying the possibility of using the virus for the treatment of cancer.
The researchers called artificial genetic mutation of the virus, because of which he lost the ability to infect humans. Malignant cells are forced to mutate genes KRAS or EGFR, and these genes make cancer cells vulnerable to the effects of the virus. When the cell mass of the reovirus enters cancer, it is something like an explosion.
It is now planned clinical trials of the virus with cancer patients. They will introduce the virus in combination with drugs and to monitor how the tumor will behave.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Pandemic flu this winter will not be
WHO experts say that the winter season 2010-2011, an epidemic of swine flu no threat to mankind. In addition, the World Health Organization assures us that in the past year, pandemic threat was real, and that all information about artificially fomented panic should be considered unreasonable.
Strain of influenza A/H1N1, has extended a year ago, this year will not cause mass infection. WHO predicts the spread of seasonal influenza, which will be the agent itself or the A/H1N1 strain of H3N2. The best method to protect themselves from the flu vaccine remains. This mainly concerns people at risk category.
The representative of WHO, Mr. Gertl commented on allegations of PACE Committee on Health Care. This body has accused the WHO of artificial stoking panic and exaggerate the dangers of swine flu. Gertl said that last winter, pandemic threat was very real, because the virus strain that appeared then, was not known before. Less than a month the agent dispersed throughout the world, that is, they were clear signs of a pandemic.
WHO subverts all the accusations of collusion with the pharmaceutical giants, and draws people's attention on the importance of flu shots as the only effective method of preventing this dangerous viral infection. Mr. Gretel says that with any pharmaceutical company in the world, WHO has not signed a secret treaty, and that all the rumors about it - no more than a lack of awareness of those who disseminate them.
Strain of influenza A/H1N1, has extended a year ago, this year will not cause mass infection. WHO predicts the spread of seasonal influenza, which will be the agent itself or the A/H1N1 strain of H3N2. The best method to protect themselves from the flu vaccine remains. This mainly concerns people at risk category.
The representative of WHO, Mr. Gertl commented on allegations of PACE Committee on Health Care. This body has accused the WHO of artificial stoking panic and exaggerate the dangers of swine flu. Gertl said that last winter, pandemic threat was very real, because the virus strain that appeared then, was not known before. Less than a month the agent dispersed throughout the world, that is, they were clear signs of a pandemic.
WHO subverts all the accusations of collusion with the pharmaceutical giants, and draws people's attention on the importance of flu shots as the only effective method of preventing this dangerous viral infection. Mr. Gretel says that with any pharmaceutical company in the world, WHO has not signed a secret treaty, and that all the rumors about it - no more than a lack of awareness of those who disseminate them.