As soy is commonly called the fruit of the soybean, a crop which is one of the legumes. Soy is a valuable food because it has a high content of protein. Almost 40% of the plant are made of pure protein. This approximation is sufficient soy protein up to the value of meat and is the ideal food for vegetarians.
In the soybean is very versatile to use in the kitchen. So one can produce from the ground beans, a soy milk, which has proved ideal for lactose intolerance. The pure protein of soybean famous soybean curd, tofu is made. But the seedlings of soybean, the soybean sprouts, nutrition enriched by a number of essential fatty acids and vitamins of the B group.
Additionally, the soy isoflavones valuable, these plant hormones may have a positive impact on hormonal disorders of the female body. Studies in Japan, where a lot of tofu is eaten, have shown that women suffer less from menopausal symptoms there. But on the heart and circulatory system do the ingredients of soy is very positive. Moreover, it was found that in countries with large numbers occur in soy products are consumed cancer and other chronic inflammatory bowel disease is very rare.
But even with the steadily declining support for soybean oil may still represent an important role. For out of soybean oil can be a very valent biodiesel can be produced. The soybean oil derived fuel is characterized by a very high energy efficiency. Almost the entire fuel can be converted into energy by the high yield of energy, it is the ideal substitute for oil. In the fuel from the soybean plant is very environmentally friendly, because it has a very high global warming climate neutrality. That is the burning of biodiesel, which is made from soybean oil caused hardly gases that could harm the atmosphere.
A relatively new discovery is the Sojaseide, this is a textile fabric which is made from soybeans. The Sojaseide is hard to distinguish from real silk, the manufacture is extremely expensive, which is reflected in the price.
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