Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The apricot seeds help in cancer care

Without any doubt, cancer is one of the most serious diseases that mankind has to face, because its symptoms appear recently in advanced stages, which doctors have to make valiant efforts to find the exact location of this unhappiness, this which generates a time, time is vital to a patient and what could be the boundary between life and death.

But all is not lost, added to quimioterapia and radiation therapy, treatment to combat cancer cells, is vitamin B17, which is also known as laetrile Advanced apricot seeds, which can cure cancer.

It was found that these seeds produce cyanide and Benzaldehído highly toxic, but in which an organization can push 100 times the effect of cancer cells by successfully eliminated in many cases. It is recommended when the disease was detected chew the seeds and take vitamin B17 for at least 3 to 5 times a day to get a perfect result.

If passed by the need for chemotherapy or radiotherapy, it helps to compensate as much carcinogenic effects, being a gift of nature to confront this terrible misfortune.

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The 10 rare allergies in the world (II)

As we reported in the first part of the post, allergies turn a misfortune common throughout the world, and he has a habit of succeeding anyone in the world, are already by factors of space, climate and d feeding, but there are people who suffer from allergies, some not so well known and we will make a statement.

Many people like to expose to the sun and enjoy its warmth, but that night a few people to the epidermis, producing a sun allergy that causes rashes in the skin, which is tedious and in extreme cases heartburn subside. All we have to bathe every day, but those who suffer from hives aquagénica that they must strike a punishment, because they suffer from ronchas by water, of course they are not very clean you can not the blame, he also exist people who are allergic to his own sweat, which is more serious than that of water, since the substances from the sweat they must report to doctor immediately.

Allergies produced by temperature are not common, but they exist, so it occurs in people who are exposed to cold ronchas and whistling in the chest and that if in the heat, and excessive sudoración ronchas in the skin. Allergy to hormones is something we can control, since, to continue to produce, would be a serious consequence, drug regulators exist happily, another unusual allergy that is posed by those who perform exercise or suffer from mechanical vibrations usually occur sores and rashes that are controlled by creams.

Finally allergy under pressure that is to say to tighten the skin, producing spots and ronchas and most unusual is allergy to semen is only five resulted in porciento of the general female population in the Women with fertility problems.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Fototastin, a new drug against obesity and diabetes

Obesity is on the outside that cause heart troubles, respiratory and psychological is the main cause diabetes, because to become obese is consumed large quantities of food rich in sugars that are destabilizing in general the normal level sugar in a person.

Fortunately now all those who suffer from these diseases can kill two birds with one shot as we used to say, with a new drug supposedly fototastin, focusing in attacking the genetic causes of the obesity or diabetes, which in most cases have a common indicator.

The drug was tested on obese mice and succeeded in blocking increases in body fat in rodents, in turn after four weeks the mice were used in the project have lost 12 percent of their extra body fat with which has been verified that the drug is successful.

Salih Wakil, one of the creators of this drug association hopes to launch a corporation to market the product and the power to help shape this million hours of people with not only overload the United States but throughout the world, it has consolidated.

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Exposure to the sun cause skin cancer

These people believed that a person tan and sun exposure caused great benefits to the body, are very inaccurate, since the decrease of the ozone layer, these properties are excluded Solar passing now to a cancellation of a product environmental contamination.

It is when it has passed through the conclusion that solar exposure can cause moles and in the worst case the dreaded cancer in the skin, mainly in children who have yet to complete its defenses tackle these diseases, mainly those who have not completed the seven years.

One of the main forms of realizing that his child may have melanoma which is skin cancer is the growth of a mole before which the child must be brought immediately to the doctor, with recommendation for use of solar besiegers between periods of time between 10 o'clock am and 4 pm, and to prevent this misfortune.

Similarly it was known that only the United States 62000 people suffer from this disease and 8 miles come to die because of it, being a major concern for all people who must follow the signs to prevent melanoma .

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

You streaks in the skin

These estriaciones uncomfortable with people we suffer in the skin that occur by the rupture of an epidermal fibers and cause its rupture with that simply by following the law of gravity, they hang themselves bear a name streaks .

Those most prone to streaks are women, especially those who were waiting in the sweet, or rather j'embarrasse because his skin had to stretch to give a capacity in the belly where her baby after giving the world drawn skin, it tends to break into creating anti silhouettes aesthetic that is what today's woman does not want.

Although they are not always in the womb they may appear in the thighs, buttocks, chest and arms with changes in skin of each person he used to appear reddish in color while taking once a semi-gray color or a lighter skin tone of the person who suffers.

To eliminate a rigorous treatment is needed, which could lead to the same operating room to eliminate them through plastic surgery, but it is not necessary to reach these limits with a good diet, good exercise routine which does not allow sudden change of weight they can easily be prepared and we prevent a problem that can bring consequences.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The oral cleanliness is important for our health

As the proverb says that a first impression is perhaps more important is why having a proper oral cleanliness is vital to have a good relationship with the next course and the field work, or magnet simply by a proper health and good feeling with oneself.

Ideally, according to experts is a clean area of the tooth at least about three times a day, before and after food, by which we get a total clean and in turn we can keep the entire mouth area wholesome and free from bacteria at last they could unleash a disease.

In addition to regularly wash their teeth daily, a series of advice is to reduce consumption of sugar because they feared causing decay that directly affects the teeth and gums you should also clean up the language at 'Time to clean it helps her clean and in turn to have a fresh breath is important in any forum because someone likes to talk to someone with bad breath.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Acidity stomachic

Acidity or burning in the stomach, is an annoyance that many people suffer in general is due to how fast a life that is currently lived.

The main symptom is burning sensation in the mouth to the stomach that is moving up in often arrive at the throat.

The acid is used to produce the malfunctioning valve or sphincter that is responsible for communicating the esophagus with the stomach, the call cardia. The function it performs is to close the stomach and prevent food from returning to the esophagus during digestion.

Often this valve is weakened and treat an open space remains, one which could accommodate the esophagus food and gastric juices which should have remained in the stomach. When it succeeded, the walls of the esophagus and will ignite the heat occurs.

The reasons by which weakens the cardia may be different as abusing a highly seasoned food, like ingesting foods, pregnancy, obesity and a condition known as hiatal hernia.

The causes of the weakening of the cardia are several, from large feasts, ingestion of foods, pregnancy, obesity, until suffering a condition known as hiatal hernia.

Women and men are affected by osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects men and women and is characterized by a descent of bone tissue, generating a deterioration of bone tissue by increasing bone fragility. The most common manifestation is a fracture and the consequences that derive from them.

It is a disease that affects more women than men, mainly to people aged over 50 years.

Two types of osteoporosis exist, the type I associated with menopause and type II age-related, affecting people aged over 70 years.

Some risk factors that predispose to suffer the disease are:

* Being a woman
* Posmenopáusica
* White, thin
* Having suffered a premature menopause
* Not having had children
* Be familiar precedents of osteoporosis
* A lifestyle
* A smoking
* Excessive consumption of alcohol
* Sub calcium intake
* A sedentary lifestyle

The clinical manifestation of this disease is fractures.

In type I: the factor that generates the development of osteoporosis in women still lack of estrogen, while men are not a significant bone loss before age 70.

In type II: the lack of vitamin D.

To diagnose the disease is conducting a study that bears the name of Densitometría dual energy X-ray or computed tomography can also be made.

To prevent it we must have an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, avoiding tobacco, alcohol, hormone replacement therapy in women posmenopáusicas and physical activity.

What is acupuncture?

The Traditional Chinese Medicine is a basic concept that disease is an energy imbalance of the body, which is caused by external factors such as cold, heat, moisture, bacteria, etc.., Internal factors such as operation deficient organ, alterations to an emotional level, blood deficiencies, etc.., or combination thereof may also go.

Through acupuncture can help the body to re-establish a balance by recovering energy and health.

It is a technique based on the use of needles that enter the specific points that are part of channels through which we can get to make a connection with the circulation of energy and thereby correct the vital energy (the sinking of Chi).

Each channel or meridian is related to the energy of an organ of the body and also functions as the body performs. For example meridano since that is the heart may improve blood flow throughout the body.

In traditional medicine are two major theories of China:

The theory of Yin and Yang: the Yin and Yang represent the duality that exists in all processes of life, they are opposing elements but at the same time inseparable.

- The Yin: Earth, Cold, Women, Interior.

- The Yang: A sky, Heat, Men, Outdoor.

The theory of five elements: It is that which describes the relationship existing between the macro and microcosm, the five elements are:

- The Madeira: The liver, gallbladder

- A fire, a heart, small intestine, a pericardium, a triple warming.

- The Earth: A stomach, spleen.

- He wets: A kidney and bladder

Corresponds to each element a particular organ, viscera, emotion, expression, secretion, meaning a body tissue, color and taste.

Finally, two basic laws of government processes. The first is called creation and basic nutrition, the second law is that of control and reflect the internal processes, ensuring balance and avoiding the domination of one element to another.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

An Auriculotherapy, an alternative for weight loss

An ancient Chinese medicine, the Auriculotherapy is the main objective is to stimulate acupoints in the ear to treat various diseases.

The points can be stimulated through needles or also the so-called scrap, which will adapt to the necessary areas, according to the disease to be dating.

It is widely used within the confines of the aesthetic treatments to lose weight, placing the scrap or needles at points that control anxiety eating. Thus, the person reaches the state of weakness and tranquility in managing to bring forward his diet successfully.

In reality, the issues addressed in the ears in an isolated form are not thin, which will lose weight is the diet in itself, although not equal for everyone.

This type of therapy must always be administered by people who have the knowledge are already a Auriculotherapy as nutrition.

To have success with the diet, it is essential to control the anxiety and the irresistible impulse to eat.

They will always be more effective that the treatments involved in the appearance and nutritional well-being.

Auriculotherapy acts as a supplement for weight loss since it reduces appetite by producing a feeling of well-being and satiety.

The person who is treated by this type of therapy is quieter and has no desire to eat an irrepressible form, it has the positive energies that enable it to advance treatment for weight control.

In the ear they exist infinitely many points of treatment and each maintains a relationship with a specific area of the body. When specific points are pressed with quartz grains or metal microspheres, we managed to produce a reflection effect that works to normalize the functioning of the body.

This is not to make severe sacrifices to stay with hunger or attacking the food, first he must learn to eat, managing to combine well auriculotherapy with an adequate supply, being able lose weight in a proper manner and with still clear that the key point is to change dietary habits.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The timing of pregnancy (IV)

A schedule of Pregnancy

* A 28th week to 31st: The weight happens already at 900 gr. and now he is about 26 cm. His bones begin to fortify the skin is already transparent. The nervous system allows him to make movement a little more complex.
In this stage the head is placed to the bottom is already preparing for childbirth.
The uterus of the woman from the navel to the sternum.
It is common to suffer constipation and breasts start producing colostrum. The baby now absorbs and stores is his body all the nutrients that the mother consumes and gaining weight, for it is advisable not to consume foods that have heights measured sodium and industrialized.
* A week 32 to 35th: The weight is about 1.6 pounds and measuring about 32 cm. His skin color has turned a white frost, and it is very soft, fat accumulates under the skin and the cold and isolated.
He developed vision and his eyes respond to changes in outside light. He has more frequent movements.
Regarding the mother, her navel is flat, has some difficulties to breathe.
The uterus begins to be provided and may have a backache.
It is advisable to walk out in the open air, using it to control the anxiety of that moment must also continue with a balanced diet with sufficient and I consume a calcium.
* A 36th week to 40th: The weight is about 3.4 pounds and measuring about 36 cm. As he begins to be a lack of space, constantly flexing the baby, the bones of his head are flexible since it will facilitate the birth.
As the baby is already fitted into the pelvis is normal to feel tightness in the bladder, for this reason pees with greater frequency.
It is common to suffer from hemorrhoids by constipation, reduce trouble, are advised to take a natural water in any quantity consumed fiber.
Follow a balanced diet while trying not to eat fat and sodium.

The lawyer and his great contribution of vitamins A and E

The lawyer, also known as a lawyer, comes from Mexico.

Its taste and texture properties of food and gave him a privileged place in the gastronomy of the whole world.

He can only eat so much or use as a garnish exquisite and best of all is that it combines with almost all foods.

According to nutrition experts counsel is rich in fat unsaturée equal to which they are found in nuts, peanuts and almonds. But he added a key that is his great contribution of vitamins A and E, essential for healthy skin and hair.

By eating a serving and 58 grams (which is equivalent to the third part of a room) is incorporated into the body, 18% of vitamin A which is required daily to prevent skin diseases as some types of dermatitis.

The lawyer keeps cells young and gives them a greater retention of liquids, that it helps the skin is still humectada. In addition, Vitamin A prevents eye problems like cataracts, glaucoma and deformation of the stain.

It prevents premature aging of the body, protecting the skin, hair and mucous membranes, such as those that cover the eyes and mouth. Moreover, it is a large fountain of potassium, minerals essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Reduce cholesterol

What is cholesterol? It's a good question, since many speak of him but we know little about it.

Cholesterol is a substance belonging to the group of steroids, is fat soluble and insoluble in water.
It is in our body naturally, since it is necessary for us to achieve our vital functions in an adequate form.

We find cholesterol in the brain, blood, liver, nerves and bile and is found in humans and animals. In this reason we should avoid eating foods of animal origin to successfully reduce cholesterol levels.

Our liver is one that generates 80% of total cholesterol and 20% remaining one comes from our diet. Since the liver is transported into cells via protein supposedly lipoproteins. Thus, cells use what they need and the rest remain in the blood stream, the expectation that other lipoproteins are the new liver.

Lipoproteins which bear liver tissue are those of low density (bad) cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) are those who are responsible for removing excess cholesterol from the blood and tissues and newly Directions to the liver. In this way a balanced cycle continues each time everything works well.

When this equilibrium breaks cholesterol adheres to artery walls and form plaque that clogs the ductus arteriosus (arteriosclerosis). The best way to control this problem by wearing a proper diet, as a fundamental principle which has no animal fat and is rich in vegetables and fiber.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Advice to eliminate chronic fatigue

Currently whenever they are people who claim to be always tired.

The majority argues that it is the daily care that their cause this fatigue, too much work and little time to do them.

However, because in reality our daily habits have, what we eat, how we sleep, and as we carry forward all our intellectual and emotional.

The first advice that doctors have the habit of giving in these cases is due to physical exercise because it is very challenging.
To take charge of energy, they can follow a few strategies that will help us be better and let the fatigue side.

The first board is on our diet, the fact of eating breakfast still delicious without hunger. It has been shown through studies that people who eat breakfast are much better regretted as physics as mentally during the day.

Make some ungestes during the day is beneficial. Eat a snack is good for health as it keeps the sugar in the body and energy levels stable throughout the day.

It is advisable to choose those mouthfuls of food with fiber, because they are admitted into the bloodstream at a slow form and we get such a flow of energy is a long time.

Keeping hydrated, this translates into a substantial amount of cash since most of our body fluids from the water. Take some water generates a convict working the heart and that we cause fatigue.
Unlike what you think drinking lots of coffee it will not give us energy but we cause a sensation of fatigue.

Being sad, worried or have a general stress prevail much of our vitality in the day. Do not allow ourselves to be in our general appearance such as clothing and daily hygiene.

The sleep enough, it will overflow to rest, the repairman that we will have energy the next day.
Follow these rules and add others that make us feel good with ourselves we will help banish chronic fatigue life.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Therapies for problems and skin diseases

The clay bath is a therapeutic spa techniques used by the more benefits it brings not only in regard to skin care but for the treatment of skin diseases.

The clays used have specific applications for the treatment of certain diseases and skin problems, according to the components of the mud used.

Currently, the mud is a substance widely used in the preparation of cosmetics and apply them in professional treatments and skin problems such as the soriasis, acne, spots and chronic dehydration, among many diseases and problems of 'skin.

The sludge treatment are not all equal, nor are they recommended for treating the same diseases, they are a variety of them, a clay used extensively and is known worldwide that which comes from the Dead Sea, was the same between components magnesium, potassium bromide and calcium, important for therapies in spa repairs.

The healing qualities that the mud has to rely on his power desinflamante, descongestivo and refreshing, in addition to being an excellent healing.

When applied to surfaces that are inflamed by blows, wounds or burns it has a decongestant action because it acts by cold, losing its effect as it raises the temperature.

In congestion suffered by internal organs, the opposite follows, since the hotter the mud is applied to the skin, the greater is the power to remove the internal heat that is opposed.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

On 3 December, the international community will celebrate the International Day of Disabled Persons.

Proclaimed by the United Nations, it has been celebrated since 1992 to acknowledge and recognize the experience and capabilities of persons with disabilities. Better, he comes to understand their living conditions and awareness of the benefits arising from their participation in all aspects of life.
Unfortunately, here and elsewhere, and for many, this may still be not just an ordinary day but another day longer be added to the long list of day already celebrated throughout the year .
Indeed, some research done around us, shows that many people are unaware of the CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, which has yet been adopted December 13, 2006 at UN headquarters and entered into force since March 30, 2008.

This is an opportunity to salute the countries who have ratified to give legal force to international treaty that seeks to restore justice. We have in fact realized in the world, "the possibilities of participation, equality and empowerment of full and entire available to persons with disabilities, particularly in the areas of rehabilitation, the education, training and employment, remain more limited than those enjoyed by persons without disabilities. This is largely due to the fact that persons with disabilities, victims of negative social attitudes, are deprived of an equal enjoyment of their rights as citizens. These same attitudes restrict opportunities for social contact and close personal relationships with others for people with disabilities. "(Preamble Action Plan Mali African Decade of Persons with Disabilities).

We, members of MONT ALEDJO INTERNATIONAL (MAIN), a young organization established in Quebec believe that this crucial period of ratification of the Convention, the International Day of Disabled Persons should not be overshadowed or unnoticed.
Believing that each individual is a disabled potential, it is desirable that everyone is aware of the text which should "significantly to redressing the profound social disadvantage experienced by disabled people and encourage their participation on the basis of equality Opportunities in all areas of civil, political, economic, social and cultural, in developed countries as in developing countries "(Preamble of the Convention - the point y).

If Canada, for its part, the work currently setting up ideal conditions for its ratification, we also welcome the active engagement of Quebec and its Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities, which recently launched the Action Plan 2009-2011 in respect of persons with disabilities. This act is both a real breakthrough and a visionary plan that paves the way for the eradication process of social stigma that is too often associated with disability and incapacity.

Until the convention also become a reality among us, MAIN in benefits, on the eve of International Day
persons with disabilities, to recall that according to The Canadian Association for the United Nations, more than 500 million people suffer from disabilities due to mental, physical or sensory impairment and, whatever the region where they live their lives is often limited by physical or social barriers.''

In doing so, each of us to his level, can contribute to building an inclusive society that respects the choices and needs of persons with disabilities and their families by demonstrating:

- Against prejudice and discrimination.
- Against all forms of exploitation, discrimination or violence.
- Were promoted to the education and employability of people with disabilities and
- To prevent that is to avoid putting his life and that of others in danger on our highways, our workplaces, etc..
- For participation in the extension thereof which deserves a grant, through the media, our attention, as well as other conventions such as the Tokyo Convention, the Convention on the Rights of the Child or and the Convention against all Forms of Discrimination against Women ...

Finally, MONT INTERNATIONAL ALEDJO calling you to wear this
December 3, another view on the issue related to disability in general and to contribute to the popularization of the Convention.

Make ours the familiar slogan of AWID, "Change is not alone. We collectively provoke.

AFRIQUE_90% of Africans are not protected by legal provisions in the fight against smoking

While Africa is experiencing an increase in smoking more than that of other developing regions, about 90 percent of Africans still have no real protection against passive smoking. It's finding a new report released today during a regional conference on cancer.Cependant this report, Global Voices: Rebutting the Tobacco Industry, Winning Smokefree Air (global voice: to refute propaganda the tobacco industry to fight smoke-free air) indicates that hope is possible. Several African countries struggling against the aggressive efforts of the tobacco industry to stop public health interventions to implement legal provisions in the fight against smoking, which will provide protection to more than 100 million additional people compared to 2007 levels. The report was published by the Global Partnership for a Smoke-Free World, Global Smokefree Partnership, which includes many partners.
"For the first time in history, we have tools for preventing a pandemic," said Dr. Otis W. Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society. "Recent data show that, if current trends continue, more than half of the Africa region will double its consumption of tobacco over the next twelve years. Providing smoke-free public places is an example of a response to low cost and extremely effective, which must be implemented now to protect health. "

During the past year, Kenya and Niger have implemented national policies to fight against smoking. For its part, South Africa, where legislation in the fight against tobacco use existed since March 2007, continues to play an important role in the region, demonstrating that laws in the fight against smoking may be implemented in Africa. In a first for the region, Mauritius has recently passed a law which is not far from meeting the standards Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, and is one of measures against smoking in the most vigorous world.

However, the report says, obstacles to implementation remain in many countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana and Uganda, particularly in the identification of resources for implementation, and l opposition of the tobacco laws in the fight against smoking. In Abuja, Nigeria, 55 percent of students in schools do not know that passive smoking was hazardous to health, and barely 1 percent of the population of Nigeria is protected by strong legal provisions in the fight against smoking .

The report highlights the tactics of the tobacco industry to stop the establishment of a statutory scheme for the fight against smoking, and to convince African governments to the economic importance of tobacco and the fact that increasing taxes on cigarettes and put in place legislation banning smoking will lead to loss of revenue and employment. In Kenya, for example, the tobacco industry has initiated legal action against the passage in Parliament of a strict law in the fight against smoking. And in Zambia, the company British American Tobacco has contributed to empty their content of proposed anti-smoking.

However, many findings in recent years show that in reality these tax losses are not realized. According to the report, the law in the fight against smoking Mauritius will have no impact on tourism revenues, which account for nearly one quarter of GDP. In South Africa, the VAT receipts show that the laws against smoking had no significant impact on restaurant receipts and could even have a positive effect. The tax increase in South Africa was followed by an increase in revenue. And in countries where tax revenues are scarce, the tax increase may be beneficial for social services, education and health care.

In addition to a statutory scheme for the fight against smoking, economic interventions, such as high taxation of cigarettes, can significantly help reduce effectively and efficiently use in Africa. Doubling the price of cigarettes by increasing taxes can reduce consumption by 60 percent. This is true in many African countries. In South Africa, for example, tobacco consumption has fallen by one third since 1993, with implementation of large increases in cigarette taxes.

In 2010, smoking costs the lives of 6 million people worldwide, of which 72 percent live in countries with low income and middle-income. If current trends continue, it will kill 7 million people per year in 2020 and over 8 million per year in 2030.

About 1 billion people in 45 countries around the world now benefit from legal protection against the health hazards of passive smoking in the workplace or in public places. Despite rapid progress, more than 85 percent of world population, including those of many low-income, middle income, still no real protection against passive smoking.

The report of the Global Partnership for a Smoke-Free World was launched at a media summit hosted by the American Cancer Society, which preceded the conference Cancer in Africa AORTIC which begins November 12 in Dar es Salaam Tanzania.

To promote the health of the population in Togo: AFRICA LOVE in action

From October 19 to 05 November instant, the International Association of Physicians for the Promotion of Education and Health in Africa (LOVE-AFRICA), Section Togo, has a large output of land in the Kara region. Approximately 836 patients have been operated in the free cities of Bassar and Kara. Thus, 385 patients treated at the hospital Bassar and 451 beneficiaries supported the CHR Kara, have seen their suffering alleviated. Of these, 236 people have been made in ophthalmology (cataracts in 167), 578 general surgery (including 44 hernias, 38 lipomas, 32 goiters and 5 cesarean sections) and 22 in stomatology.

This is a new phase of free health campaigns initiated since 2006 by doctors, pharmacists, allied with the main objectives of providing primary health care to the poor, especially rural. This transaction follows the recent campaign of consultations took place in this region from 31 August to 19 September. In terms of balance, LOVE AFRICA Section Togo has already brought its various services to more than 100 000 patients in 128 locations across the country. In health interventions of the Association are oriented campaigns of medical care in ophthalmology, ear nose and throat, dentistry, dermatology, gynecology, cardiology, internal medicine and general medicine and surgery without forgetting the fight against HIV / AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

The purpose and objectives LOVE AFRICA have won the support of the Togolese authorities mainly that of the President of the Republic, Essozinam Faure Gnassingbe has never ceased to bring his personal financial and moral support to the Association. "We never lacked the moral and financial support from the government that accompanies us as NGOs. The President of the Republic of Togo, His Excellency Faure Gnassingbe Essozimna has always given his unwavering support through our available financial resources in all our actions. As the beneficiary populations, they show him their gratitude power its continued support in the actions of our association I would like to pay tribute, "said Dr. Serge Michel Kodoma, founding president of the association.

In fact, thanks to the support of the Head of State, LOVE AFRICA-Togo has already conducted several activities in the medical field in several regions of Togo, among others, support free of 3343 patients in June 2007 in the region Savannah, support free of 8225 patients in May 2007 in the region of Kara, free pick-up approximately 11,000 patients in August and September 2007 in the Plateaux region, the management of 10,037 patients free in the central region during February 2008, a national campaign to support medical-surgical fair started out since November 2008 in the regions Maritime and Plateaux. During the last campaign of care that was held from August 31 to September 20 in some localities in northern, more than 15,700 patients were treated free in general medicine, ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (ENT) surgery General and gynecology. A total of 81 patients were operated.

By supporting this project, the President of the Republic has shown its willingness to establish a policy of population development at the base. This is evidence that health is at the heart of its concerns. Through LOVE AFRICA, the Head of State and his obvious attention he continues to give the whole population, mainly rural and impoverished. Moving the State Minister, Minister of Health with the medical team to Togo AFRICA-LOVE just materialize the government's support to the activities of the Association.