Wednesday, October 27, 2010

High blood pressure (hypertension)

High blood pressure - some 20 million people in Germany are affected. The problem is that if the diagnosis is made, has the disease often go unnoticed for years already done damage. Healing can not reduce the high blood pressure, but. High blood pressure (technical terminology: arterial hypertension) is a common disease - one in four adults in Germany suffer from it. Still, the dangers of hypertension is underestimated. The main reason is that hypertension usually does not make any complaints at the beginning. If the diagnosis of high blood pressure then placed randomly or in a screening test, it is difficult to accept for those affected, do something about a "reading" or abstract values to have.

High blood pressure - an overview

Symptoms due to the complications set in with high blood pressure an often delayed for years. These can then usually not undo. Only if hypertension is detected early and managed to meet her, can avoid serious and potentially fatal consequences. High blood pressure can affect virtually every organ. The increased blood pressure in the damaged vessel inside the long run, especially the arteries, which in turn provide the body with blood. Complications are especially common in the brain, eyes, heart and the kidneys. reduce the high blood pressure - that is thus the goal of any treatment. So much so that the blood pressure is distributed throughout the day as the values that lie within the normal range. Often high blood pressure at the start is already helping a change in lifestyle: exercise, sports, reduce obesity, balanced diet, reducing stress. The next step is medication for high blood pressure appears - at first mostly a drug, and later combinations of several substances. Thus, the blood pressure by drugs and can usually set their own doing well.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Autoimmune diagnosis with blood tests and ultrasound

If the complaints lead to the doctor, have the history and the palpation of the thyroid, the direction, leading the way in the diagnosis but are blood tests and ultrasound examination. The blood test can be found in more than 90% of those typical TPO antibody and in 70-80%, the Tg antibodies. Indicator of a sub-function is a higher value for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) - a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, even if the thyroid hormone levels are still within the norm. In the ultrasonic examination typical changes in autoimmune thyroids can be identified. Only occasionally to the exclusion of other diseases further investigations such as scintigraphy or the removal of a tissue sample is required.

Lifetime Replacement Therapy

Cure for the autoimmune thyroids is not yet unfortunately. The therapy, however, a normalization of the hormonal balance can be achieved. For the lifetime of the lack of thyroid hormone replacement is necessary. Levo thyroxine is first prescribed in low doses, then increased until the appropriate amount of customization is achieved. This is reflected in the normalization of TSH levels (preferably by 1 μU / ml), which is controlled by regular blood tests. Of greatest importance in the treatment of pregnancy, is to prevent physical and mental harm to the unborn child. The capture of the trace element iodine should be avoided, as it fuels the autoimmune process continues. According to studies, however, selenium has a positive influence on the well-being and the level of antibody levels.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Allergies - Forms

The most likely reasons Heuschnupfenvor, it is pollen, perpetrators. In addition to birch, alder, hazel and grass pollens cause of late, unfortunately, pollen from ragweed and ash runny noses and red eyes. Although the lungs are affected, it is called allergic asthma, which may already occur in children.

Besides pollen and mold, deteriorate a high concentration of pollutants in the air, particulate matter and ozone causes asthma or the disease. An allergy to dust mites also leads to difficulty in breathing, aggravates eczema and can develop into asthma. Unfortunately, we must reckon with an animal allergy, not only with skin redness, but also with respiratory problems. Contact allergies usually manifest themselves with eczema - just a neurodermitic skin is very sensitive to fragrances, cosmetics or medicinal plants. Also, piercing, tattoos or permanent make-up are not recommended to everyone - it can lead to improper approach to an allergy. When the sun allergy the skin reacts with small pimples on the UV-A radiation. Even on medication, skin and digestive tract allergic reaction - even stress exacerbates existing allergies. Food allergies such as egg allergy are not quite as often, however, cause digestive problems of any kind, and are distinguished from the more common allergies such as lactose intolerance. For example, the Chinese restaurant syndrome, a glutamate-intolerant. Insect venom allergies are rare, but can lead because of the strong immune response to cardiovascular arrest!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Treatment against diabetes: know your options

What is the secret to control his diabetes? Know your treatment options! The main treatment of diabetes and ways to profit.

Changing lifestyles

This is the first step in the treatment of type 2 diabetes (the type where the body does not produce enough insulin or does not respond well to the insulin it produces). This step is also part of the treatment with insulin for people with type 1 diabetes (where the body produces no insulin).

You want to maximize the change in your lifestyle? Just like a Hollywood star, you will pay much attention to your eating and exercising. Here are some lifestyle changes that can help control your diabetes:

* Exercise. In addition to helping you to feel good about yourself and improve your physical appearance, the exercise will help you maintain your weight and control your blood sugar, in addition to reducing your risk of suffering from a heart disease and give you an energy boost.
* Follow a meal plan designed for diabetics. Consult a dietitian to create a personalized healthy meal plan. Most plans are to reduce consumption of fat, salt and sugar and consume more fiber, protein and low fat foods with low GI (glycemic index measures the rate increase blood sugar in a food) such as lentils and couscous.
* Stop smoking. Smoking not only causes cancer. This habit also destroys blood vessels. Diabetes also damages them, which explains why smoking and diabetes is a very bad combination.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Specific Foods

How much protein?

Despite what many people believe an active lifestyle, protein from foods like meat, chicken, eggs or fish are not an important source of fuel for exercise. Weight lifters and distance runners may have needed a larger amount of protein that the Sunday Sport. However, the food we eat regularly from a variety of foods is more than sufficient for most of us.

Eat vitamins C and E

Experts have suggested that to be active particles produced free radicals can damage cells and genetic material (DNA). He would then eat foods rich in antioxidants like vitamins C and E to help repair the damage. Foods rich in these vitamins include strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, olive oil, wheat germ and nuts.

Eat foods rich in iron

Studies have shown that runners, particularly females, were likely to have low levels of iron. This is explained by the fact that they eat less meat (rich in iron), absorb less iron and consume fewer calories. It is important to eat iron-rich foods like dried fruits, spinach, fortified cereals and meat low in fat.

Benefits of Vitamin B1

Thiamine helps your body convert blood sugar into energy. It keeps your mucous membranes healthy. It is therefore essential for the nervous system, cardio-vascular and muscular. Read also: Heart health for the whole family: 10 good habits.

Vitamin B1 is an essential nutrient that plays a role in supporting the nervous system and in protecting your nerves against degeneration and lesions. Vitamin B1 helps your organs and nerves to transmit messages to each other (eg when your brain tells your leg muscles to jump. Also read: Combat stress: foods to fight against stress.

How to add vitamin E to your diet?

Prepare a mixture of nuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, dried fruit, breakfast cereal, granola bars, etc.. as well as some very dark chocolate (it's a mixture of popular and known people who make the hike). Read also: Healthy Eating: 10 Tips to Healthy Eating.

You can also eat whole grain cereal in the morning with wheat germ and almonds sprinkled over. Enjoy with green leafy vegetables served as a side dish rather than a plate of pasta or rice. Read also: Healthy Food, 15 fruits and vegetables very healthy.

Make a delicious crab salad using light mayonnaise (mayonnaise and crab are both good sources of vitamin E). With a little planning, you'll see that it is not difficult to eat a diet full of natural vitamin E, without having to swallow vitamin E. Read also our healthy recipes.

Foods rich in vitamin E

Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of vitamin E. The best of each category are almonds and sunflower seeds. Also read: 6 super foods to add to your diet.

50 grams of almonds provide 12 mg of vitamin E. While 50 grams of sunflower seeds provide 20 mg of vitamin E is 3 times the recommended daily intake, which is 30 IU.

Oils from oleaginous plants (plants grown specifically for harvesting their seed or fruit rich in fat, which is extracted from the oil for food, energy or industrial) and vegetable oils (including margarine) are good sources of vitamin E, but take only trans fat free margarine (made with healthy oils). Read also: Olive oil may help prevent obesity.

Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin E (90 g of spinach provide 1.5 mg), but a sweet potato is still a better source since 115 grams of sweet potato are already making 7 International Units of vitamin E (which is 4 mg of vitamin E). You can meet your daily requirement of vitamin E by eating 115 grams of sweet potato with a tablespoon of margarine without trans fat. Read also: Vegetable Green: 9 best greens.

Other good sources of vitamin E are based cereal grains, wheat germ, seafood, eggs, avocados (half a lawyer provides 2.4 mg of vitamin E). Read also: Avocado: a fruit rich in good fats and nutrients.

If you make a low fat diet to lose weight, try to include still some sources of vitamin E as sunflower oil, nuts and whole grains. Read also: How to choose good carbs when doing errands.

These 8 foods you guarantee an increase of energy you need to spend the day without strokes:

1) Soy

Soy is rich in phytoestrogens energizing (plant estrogens). Soy tastes better when combined with oatmeal for breakfast with fruit or a milkshake.

The Okinawa diet is among those who recommend more regular consumption of soy. Thus, soybeans contain more protein (by volume) than beef.

Although some studies suggest that soy might be linked to fertility problems in men, soy can alleviate hot flashes and help women to live well with menopause.

2) turkey on whole wheat

The combination of lean meat and whole grain bread provides protein and endurance, to finish with tiredness.

3) Peanut Butter

A tablespoon of peanut butter on whole wheat crackers gives you more protein and fat to reduce appetite and tiredness with.

4) Bean Soup

The bean soup is a good source of fiber, folate and iron. Light will make you quickly forget the strokes.

5) whole-grain cereals fortified

Treat yourself to these cereal with skim milk and a banana. This is a breakfast full of B vitamins (in grains), calcium and protein (in milk) and potassium (the banana), to give you lots of energy to start the day.

6) Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts

As long as you eat them in moderation (they are high in calories), these nuts are an excellent source of oilseed proteins.

Not only do they regulate the strokes, but the dried fruit oil seeds can also improve performance of runners (Board # 3).

7) Hummus

Chickpeas are the main ingredient in hummus, and are a good source of fiber and iron. You can easily find hummus in Lebanese restaurants.

8) A mixture of dried fruits and nuts

These mixtures are a good source of all minerals, but do not overeat because they are also high in calories. With these mixtures, say goodbye to strokes.

What do you think of these 8 foods that make up the energy levels to prevent strokes? Read reviews or give your opinion by clicking here (comments will appear after moderation) or respond to the forum by clicking here.

What causes a deficiency in vitamin E?

A lack of vitamin E in your body causes neurological problems due to a poorer nerve transmission. This nerve damage include problems such as spino cerebellar ataxia (neurodegenerative disease characterized by a set of signs and symptoms characteristic of a more or less severe in the cerebellum, which results in difficulty walking and the balance) and myopathy (neuromuscular disease resulting in degeneration of muscle tissue). Read also: Reduce the risk of brain diseases through diet.

A deficiency of vitamin E may also cause anemia due to oxidative damage exerted on red blood cells. Read also: Anemia: Food to treat anemia.

Recommended daily intake of vitamin E

Health experts recommend eating 10 International Units of vitamin E per day.

Remember that 1 International Unit vitamin E is the biological equivalent of about 0.667 milligrams of d-alpha-tocopherol (2 / 3 mg exactly). This means that you are advised to consume at least 6.7 mg vitamin E daily. Read also: Vitamins are not automatic for children.

That vitamin E can not do

While it was thought that vitamin E could reduce the risk of heart disease, recent studies have shown that this remains unlikely. In fact, a 2005 study even showed that taking vitamin E supplements may actually increase the risk of cardiac arrest. It is also one more reason to get this vitamin through food containing vitamin E rather than through vitamin supplements. Read also: Healthy Food for the heart, to keep the heart healthy.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why do we need foods rich in vitamin E and the benefits

> Why do we need foods rich in vitamin E also? What are the benefits of vitamin E?

Vitamin E is an antioxidant vitamin which is important for maintaining healthy cell membranes that are exposed to oxidative damage. Vitamin E is the best antioxidant for this work because it is soluble in fat (not water) or cell membranes are made of fat molecules. Read also: 20 antioxidant-rich foods to eat to live long.

Vitamin E may be especially important to protect the health of brain cells. In fact, some studies show that vitamin E may slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E also helps recycle other important antioxidant is vitamin C. Read also: Do not consume enough vitamin C is he gaining weight?

Vitamin E may increase fertility when taken in supplements by men as by women wishing to improve their fertility. A small U.S. study found that among men treated for IVF with their partners, those who took vitamin E had their fertilization rates increase by 19 to 29%. Researchers believe the antioxidant activity of vitamin E increases fertility. Studies of larger and stronger are still needed to confirm this study. Also read "Foods to increase fertility in women" and "Soy linked to fertility problems in men.

Vitamin E, acting as an antioxidant, improve the efficiency of blood circulation in the scalp, due to greater consumption of oxygen in the blood. Vitamin E helps to provide oxygen to the blood and thus retards cellular aging. Its antioxidant properties also help prevent fatigue, strengthen capillary walls, to bring food to the cells. Read also: Health Food: 20 food good for health.

Vitamin E can prevent and dissolve blood clots. This vitamin is also used to prevent infertility and other diseases such as muscular dystrophy. Because vitamin E is an essential part of cell membranes, it helps to heal wounds and improve the appearance of scars. Read also: 7 healthy foods that can heal and promote good health.

The point of eating natural sources of vitamin E

Vitamin E is not a single molecule but a group of eight slightly different molecules: 4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols. Among these 8 forms of vitamin E, the most active is called the alpha-tocopherol. Each of the 8 forms of vitamin E have different functions and strengths. It is therefore important to get vitamin E through diet rather than supplements . By consuming foods rich in natural vitamin E, you will receive the full extent of the benefits of vitamin E. Read also: Vitamins for weight loss, vitamins for weight loss.

When you buy a supplement of vitamin E on drugstore, you often buy the most powerful form of vitamin E called alpha-tocopherol. However some studies have shown that tocotrienols forms have more advantages than tocopherols to prevent diseases. Fortunately , you get all the forms of vitamin E when you consume this vitamin naturally through foods rich in vitamin E. Read also: List of vitamins and calories more than 400 foods.

Vitamin E: benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E is an essential vitamin. Discover its benefits , what causes vitamin E, foods rich in vitamin E. ..

Vitamin E is a lipid soluble vitamin, but not in water. Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Foods rich in vitamin E thus help slow the aging of the skin and ensure the structural stability of body cells. Vitamin E is recognized as an essential nutrient. Read also: Nutrients essential nutrients to consume the 7 priority.

Toxicity of vitamin C

No scientific study has demonstrated that consumption of vitamin C can harm your body. In fact, your body can not store or make vitamin C, the risks of toxicity are tiny, even if you consume dozens of times your recommended daily nutritional intake. Read also: Vitamins for weight loss, vitamins for weight loss.

Although recent studies suggest that your kidneys excrete through your urine vitamin C present in excess in your body, experts agree that adults older than 19 years should limit their daily nutritional intake of vitamin C to 2 000 mg. Eating more (of many) that this threshold could result in some people's DIARRHEA , stomach pain, higher levels of acidity of urine, gout, kidney stone formation. Read also: Food for gout: what to eat when you have gout?

However, in almost all the people, the daily consumption of very large doses of vitamin C (several grams per day) does not pose a danger to health. Read also: List of vitamins and calories more than 400 foods.

Benefits of vitamin C

Another name for vitamin C is ascorbic acid. This water-soluble vitamin is one of the most important nutrients for your organization (who does not know the store or the manufacture). Vitamin C is an antioxidant that promotes health and fight against cancer. This nutrient plays a role of protector to prevent free radicals from damaging your cells. Read also: Nutrients essential nutrients to consume the 7 priority.

Vitamin C also protects your skin and gums everyday wear. This essential nutrient also helps to avoid heart disease. Moreover, it is valuable in preventing joint disease, cataracts, osteoporosis and in the development of scar tissue. Read also: Healthy Food for the heart, to keep the heart healthy.

Vitamin C also helps fight against fatigue, colds, sore throat. It helps to regenerate vitamin E, helps convert vitamin B9 to its active form, plays a role in the production of red blood cells. It promotes the use of iron and thus reduces the risk of anemia. Read also: Anemia: Food to treat anemia.

Vitamin C: benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin. Discover its benefits, what causes vitamin C, foods rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin C is important and many people know, because the vitamin is the world's most famous and widely used in supplements. But the vitamin C does more than simply fight against colds and fatigue. Vitamin C is also an essential nutrient that helps your body to grow and develop properly. Still, experts estimate that six French do not get the recommended daily nutritional intake of vitamin C. Read also: Do not consume enough vitamin C is he gaining weight?

Tips to get more vitamin B6

For more vitamin B6, you can try:

1. Eating fruits and vegetables: many foods lose their vitamin B6 for treatment. Canned vegetables, for example, contain 60% to 80% of vitamin B6 in less than fresh vegetables . Frozen fruits lose about 15% of their content of vitamin B6,
2. Eat whole foods (not processed): Like most nutrients, almost all the vitamin B6 contained in a food that is lost when food is processed. Processed foods are lower in nutrients than fresh foods or complete,
3. Cook foods rich in vitamin B6 Apart: foods rich in this vitamin lose it when cooked with acidic foods (like oranges or tomatoes). Cook them separately and then you get more vitamin B6

Foods rich in vitamin B6

If you adopt a healthy and balanced diet, getting enough vitamin B6 should not be a problem. There are many delicious ways to get your daily dose of this vitamin rich in antioxidants . Read also: 20 antioxidant-rich foods to eat to live long.

Some of the best sources of vitamin B6 include:

* Spinach (boiled, 100 g): 1.55 mg
* Garlic (100 g): 1.23 mg
* Bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna (cooked or grilled, 100 g): 1.04 mg
* Beef Liver (fried or grilled, 100 g): 1 mg
* Octopus (steamed or boiled, 100 g): 0.7 mg
* Banana (1 medium banana): 0.6 mg
* Chicken without skin or fat (roasted, 100 grams): 0.5 mg
* Turkey breast (roasted, 100 g): 0.47 mg
* Potato (baked, 100 mg): 0.34 mg
* Red pepper (raw, 100 g): 0.15 mg
* Watermelon (diced, 100 g): 0.14 mg.

Recommended Dietary vitamin B6 per day

Health experts recommend eating the amounts of vitamin B6 include:

* Children (under 6 months): 100 micrograms (mcg) per day
* Children (7-12 months): 300 mcg per day
* Children (1-3 years): 500 mcg per day
* Children (4-8 years): 600 mcg per day
* Men's (9-13 years): 1 milligram (mg) per day
* Men (14 to 50 years): 1.3 mg per day
* Men (51 years): 1.7 mg per day
* Women (9-13 years): 1 mg daily,
* Women (14 to 50 years): 1.2 mg per day,
* Women (51 years): 1.5 mg per day
* Pregnant women (19 years): 1.9 mg per day,
* Women who are breastfeeding (19 years and older): 2 mg per day.

What types of people at risk of vitamin B6?

People who take drugs: Vitamin B6 is one of the nutrients disappear more easily in the body, especially when it comes to the organization of people taking antibiotics or drug treatment of long duration. A number of drugs, ranging from oral contraceptives to antifungal drugs, can deplete vitamin B6 in your body. Read also: Drugs that can cause obesity.

Smokers: because of the carcinogens in cigarettes, smokers need to consume in some cases double the amount of vitamin B6 in which non-smokers need. This also applies to people who suffer from passive smoking. Read also: Why smokers gain weight when they quit smoking?

Other people at increased risk of vitamin B6 deficiency: those who suffer from congestive heart failure, severe renal insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, cirrhosis. Read also: Blood pressure: lower blood pressure and hypertension.

Toxicity of Vitamin B6

This vitamin is normally causes no adverse effects to less than 100 mg per day. However, prolonged use of vitamin B6 to 200 mg per day can cause peripheral neuropathy (usually reversible). Read also: Reduce the risk of brain diseases through diet.

Here are the UL B6 per day:

* Children (1-3 years): 30 mg maximum daily
* Children (4-8 years): 40 mg maximum daily
* Children (9-13 years): 60 mg maximum daily
Teenagers * (14-18 years): 80 mg maximum daily
* Adults (over 18): 100 mg maximum per day.

Vitamin B6: Signs and symptoms

Because vitamin B6 is essential for the functioning of your body every day, there are different symptoms that may indicate your lack of vitamin B6. Read also: Nutrient Deficiencies: top 5 nutritional deficiencies.

Signs and symptoms of vitamin B6 include:

* Eczema or seborrheic dermatitis,
* Dry, irritated or itchy,
* Convulsions or attacks
* Anemia
* Exhaustion, depression or malaise
* Headaches.

Vitamin B6: benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a vitamin vital. Discover its benefits, what causes vitamin B6, vitamin B6-rich foods.

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin essential because the body can not manufacture or store. The organization must get vitamin B6 in foods consumed each day. Forms of vitamin B6 present in foods are: pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. Read also: Vitamin B1: benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in thiamin.

It is difficult to find a body function that does not depend on the Vitamin B6. In addition, getting enough vitamin B6 daily may help ward off dozens of diseases (hypertension, depression, acne, epilepsy, etc.).. Regimes an update with you on the benefits and risks of vitamin B6, vitamin B6-rich foods and ways of getting enough. Read also: Food and Acne: links, causes and effects

Tips to get more vitamin A

If you are not vegetarian, the most easy to get your recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin A is to eat meat. If this is not an option, here are some suggestions to consume more vitamin A:

1) Avoid alcohol: because alcohol reduces the reserves of vitamin A in your liver, reduce the consumption of alcohol will increase the amount of this nutrient in your body. Read also: The calorie cocktails are not happy hour.

2) Eat more fatty foods: vitamin A needs fat to be absorbed and used in the body. So try not to over reduce the consumption of fat in your diet and do not rely solely on foods without fat or low fat. Choose unsaturated fats. Read also: fat and fat cells: 7 things to know.

3) Eat 5 servings of fruits or vegetables per day: whether you're vegetarian or carnivorous, adopt a diet rich in vegetables and fruits yellow or orange should help you achieve your recommended daily dietary intake of beta-carotene and other carotenoids. Also read: Eat more vegetables: 10 tips for eating more vegetables.

Food containing a lot of pro vitamin A

Food (vegetable origin) containing a lot of pro vitamin A (to be converted into vitamin A by the body) are:

* Sorrel (100 grams): 11 000 mcg
* Carrots (100 g): 2 000 to 10 000 mcg
* Spinach (100 g): 2 000 to 9000 mcg
* Turnip (100 g): 7000 mcg
* Apricot (100 g): 1 000 to 7000 mcg
* Chervil (100 g): 6200 mcg
Dandelion * (100 g): 6000 mcg
* Parsley (100 g): 5000 mcg
* Dried apricots (100 g): 4000 mcg
* Brugnon or escarole (100 g): 2000 mcg
* Chicory (100 g): 1 800 mcg
* Red cabbage (100 g): 1 500 mcg
* Dried peaches (100 g): 1 200 mcg
* Lettuce (100 g): 1 000 mcg.

Foods rich in vitamin A

Chances are that you do not consume too much vitamin A from dietary sources. And get your nutrients, including vitamin A from food instead of relaxing on supplements is still recommended. Vitamin A is findable in meat and eggs (absorbed as retinol) as well as in food orange and green vegetables , among others. Read also: Vegetable Green: 9 best greens.

Food (animal) containing lots of vitamin A (preformed) are:

* Oil Halibut (100 grams): 200 000 mcg
* Cod Liver Oil (100 g): 180 000 mcg
* Tuna liver oil (100 g): 150 000 mcg
* Turkey liver (100 g): 33 000 mcg
* Beef Liver (100 g): 7 000 to 12 000 mcg
* Chicken liver (100 g): 7000 mcg
* Veal Liver (100 g): 5000 mcg
* Fish (100 g): 20 to 1000 mcg
* Butter (100 g): 600 mcg
* Whole egg (100 g): 300 mcg
* Oyster (100 g): 100 mcg
* Cheese (100 g): 60 to 100 mcg.

Recommended Dietary vitamin A per day

Health experts recommend eating the amounts of vitamin A include:

* Children (under 3): 300 micrograms (mcg) per day
* Children (4-8 years): 400 mcg per day
* Children (9-13 years): 600 mcg per day
* Teens and adults (over 14): 900 mcg per day
* Pregnant women (under 18): 750 mcg per day
* Pregnant women (over 18): 770 mcg per day
* Women who are breastfeeding (under 18): 1200 mcg per day
* Women who are breastfeeding (over 18): 1300 mcg per day.

Due to risks of toxicity (see the "Toxicity"), doctors have also defined a threshold level of tolerance to daily supplementation with vitamin A by a healthy population. Here the maximum amount per day you can get vitamin A:

* Children (under 3): 600 micrograms (mcg) per day
* Children (4-8 years): 900 mcg per day
* Children (9-13 years): 1 700 mcg per day
* Teens (14 to 18): 2800 mcg per day
* Adults (19 years and older): 3,000 mcg per day
* Women who are pregnant or lactating (under 18): 2800 mcg per day
* Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding (over 18): 3000 mcg per day.

Vitamin A toxicity

Although vitamin A deficiency are rare, you can consume too much vitamin A. The hyper vitamin A (vitamin A or abuse) indicates an excessive storage of vitamin A in the body. The presence of excess vitamin A can cause the following effects:

* Congenital diseases,
* Abnormal liver
* Reduction of bone density (which can lead to osteoporosis),
* Loss hair
* Bone growth disorderly
* Excessive skin dryness or peeling,
* Central nervous system disorders.

Severe toxicity of vitamin A may occur after drinking large quantities of this nutrient (especially after fees) over a very short period of time. Symptoms of severe toxicity of vitamin A are:

* Loss of appetite,
* Irritability
* Exhaustion,
* Nausea and vomiting
* Dry, brittle nails,
* Migraines,
* Dizziness,
* Blurred vision,
* Depression
* Schizophrenia,
* Anemia.

People suffering from vitamin A pancreatic disorders:

The pancreas secretes enzymes that help absorb the fat in the body. Without these enzymes, our bodies are less able to absorb fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamin A. Read also: Accelerate metabolism with 5 vitamins and minerals.

Children: some children living in Western countries, for reasons still unknown and subject of various studies in progress, more difficult to store vitamin A. These children are at risk of vitamin A. Children subject to the risk include very young children, preschool children, children living below the poverty line, children without immunization, children who are recent immigrants from developing countries, children with disease of the pancreas, liver or intestines. Read also: Vitamins are not automatic for children.

What types of people at risk of vitamin A?

Although vitamin A deficiency are rare, several groups of people may miss this important nutrient. Read also: Nutrient Deficiencies: top 5 nutritional deficiencies.

Vegetarians and vegans: because preformed vitamin A from animal foods is more available to be absorbed by the body than carotenoids from plant foods, vegetarians will have more difficulty in obtaining their nutritional recommended daily vitamin Vegans are at even higher risk. Also read: Lose weight with diet vegetarian / vegan.

Drinking alcohol drinking too much alcohol reduces stores of vitamin A in the liver, thus reducing the overall amount that is in the body. Read also: Alcohol and blood sugar: 9 tips to manage.

People suffering from digestive diseases: people who suffer from celiac disease, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome have a higher frequency DIARRHEA (one of the main ways for vitamin A to be excreted from the body) and lower rates of absorption of vitamin A. Read also: Celiac disease: food for people with celiac disease.

Vitamin A Deficiency: Signs and symptoms

Most adults have a reserve of vitamin A in their livers (as a fat-soluble nutrient, vitamin A is preserved in the fattest parts of the body). So vitamin A are rare but not impossible. Signs that you may lack vitamin A include:

* Hyperkeratosis, an appearance similar to goose bumps on the skin,
* Increased sensitivity to viral infections,
* Decreased night vision, photophobia,
* Night-blindness, night blindness, hespéranopie,
* Hair loss,
* Loss of appetite,
* Abnormal bone
* Slow growth.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a large group of fat-soluble compounds (soluble in lipids but insoluble in water) that promote good vision, bone growth, reproduction and cell growth. Vitamin A also keeps your immune system in good shape by protecting the walls of your lungs and intestinal tract and producing white blood cells (cells of human blood contains a nucleus, also called leukocytes, which mainly plays a role in defense the body against foreign agents). Read also: Immune system: how to strengthen the immune system?

There are two types of vitamin A:

* Preformed: preformed vitamin A is derived exclusively from foods of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, etc..). It is absorbed as retinol (the form most useful to vitamin A) and esters of retinol,
* Carotenoids: Vitamin A-like carotenoids from fruits and vegetables , and must be converted to retinol by the body. There are over 560 carotenoids in nature, but the body still absorbs less than 10%. One of the most important carotenoids is beta-carotene, an important nutrient that can prevent certain diseases like cancer.

Vitamin A: Benefits, shortcomings, foods rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential vitamin. Discover its benefits, what causes vitamin A, vitamin rich foods ..

Vitamin A is a super nutrient that provides numerous benefits according to recent studies. Vitamin A plays an important role in the prevention or treatment of dozens of health problems including acne, cataracts, osteo-arthritis, psoriasis, ulcers, varicose veins, etc.. It is therefore important not to suffer from vitamin A deficiency, and eat enough foods rich in vitamin A daily. Read also: Vitamins for weight loss, vitamins for weight loss.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Symptoms and Complications

Some children feel a tingling on the back of the neck just before an asthma attack. People observe warning signs that they can learn to interpret. Some of them, such as sore throat, are obvious while others, such as sunken eyes, a feeling of tiredness, irritability or discoloration of the face, may go unnoticed.

Asthma also varies in intensity. Asthma symptoms may still be present or occur only upon exposure to allergens. Whatever the severity of asthma, typical symptoms include:

* Tightness in the chest;
* Cough,
* Shortness of breath;
* Wheezing.

In cases with more severe asthma, these symptoms may occur at night.

Wheezing is a symptom of asthma, the best known, but the expiration of all people with asthma do not necessarily become wheezy. Some people only have a cough, but they can not discipline her.

A really severe asthma attack can present a mortal danger. Even if air reaches the lungs, the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood can be fatal. If you can not breathe, or if it is for a family member, call 911 or call-your neighborhood, especially if the medication does not effect normal.