The Traditional Chinese Medicine is a basic concept that disease is an energy imbalance of the body, which is caused by external factors such as cold, heat, moisture, bacteria, etc.., Internal factors such as operation deficient organ, alterations to an emotional level, blood deficiencies, etc.., or combination thereof may also go.
Through acupuncture can help the body to re-establish a balance by recovering energy and health.
It is a technique based on the use of needles that enter the specific points that are part of channels through which we can get to make a connection with the circulation of energy and thereby correct the vital energy (the sinking of Chi).
Each channel or meridian is related to the energy of an organ of the body and also functions as the body performs. For example meridano since that is the heart may improve blood flow throughout the body.
In traditional medicine are two major theories of China:
The theory of Yin and Yang: the Yin and Yang represent the duality that exists in all processes of life, they are opposing elements but at the same time inseparable.
- The Yin: Earth, Cold, Women, Interior.
- The Yang: A sky, Heat, Men, Outdoor.
The theory of five elements: It is that which describes the relationship existing between the macro and microcosm, the five elements are:
- The Madeira: The liver, gallbladder
- A fire, a heart, small intestine, a pericardium, a triple warming.
- The Earth: A stomach, spleen.
- He wets: A kidney and bladder
Corresponds to each element a particular organ, viscera, emotion, expression, secretion, meaning a body tissue, color and taste.
Finally, two basic laws of government processes. The first is called creation and basic nutrition, the second law is that of control and reflect the internal processes, ensuring balance and avoiding the domination of one element to another.
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