What is cholesterol? It's a good question, since many speak of him but we know little about it.
Cholesterol is a substance belonging to the group of steroids, is fat soluble and insoluble in water.
It is in our body naturally, since it is necessary for us to achieve our vital functions in an adequate form.
We find cholesterol in the brain, blood, liver, nerves and bile and is found in humans and animals. In this reason we should avoid eating foods of animal origin to successfully reduce cholesterol levels.
Our liver is one that generates 80% of total cholesterol and 20% remaining one comes from our diet. Since the liver is transported into cells via protein supposedly lipoproteins. Thus, cells use what they need and the rest remain in the blood stream, the expectation that other lipoproteins are the new liver.
Lipoproteins which bear liver tissue are those of low density (bad) cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) are those who are responsible for removing excess cholesterol from the blood and tissues and newly Directions to the liver. In this way a balanced cycle continues each time everything works well.
When this equilibrium breaks cholesterol adheres to artery walls and form plaque that clogs the ductus arteriosus (arteriosclerosis). The best way to control this problem by wearing a proper diet, as a fundamental principle which has no animal fat and is rich in vegetables and fiber.
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