A schedule of Pregnancy
* A 28th week to 31st: The weight happens already at 900 gr. and now he is about 26 cm. His bones begin to fortify the skin is already transparent. The nervous system allows him to make movement a little more complex.
In this stage the head is placed to the bottom is already preparing for childbirth.
The uterus of the woman from the navel to the sternum.
It is common to suffer constipation and breasts start producing colostrum. The baby now absorbs and stores is his body all the nutrients that the mother consumes and gaining weight, for it is advisable not to consume foods that have heights measured sodium and industrialized.
* A week 32 to 35th: The weight is about 1.6 pounds and measuring about 32 cm. His skin color has turned a white frost, and it is very soft, fat accumulates under the skin and the cold and isolated.
He developed vision and his eyes respond to changes in outside light. He has more frequent movements.
Regarding the mother, her navel is flat, has some difficulties to breathe.
The uterus begins to be provided and may have a backache.
It is advisable to walk out in the open air, using it to control the anxiety of that moment must also continue with a balanced diet with sufficient and I consume a calcium.
* A 36th week to 40th: The weight is about 3.4 pounds and measuring about 36 cm. As he begins to be a lack of space, constantly flexing the baby, the bones of his head are flexible since it will facilitate the birth.
As the baby is already fitted into the pelvis is normal to feel tightness in the bladder, for this reason pees with greater frequency.
It is common to suffer from hemorrhoids by constipation, reduce trouble, are advised to take a natural water in any quantity consumed fiber.
Follow a balanced diet while trying not to eat fat and sodium.
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