As we reported in the first part of the post, allergies turn a misfortune common throughout the world, and he has a habit of succeeding anyone in the world, are already by factors of space, climate and d feeding, but there are people who suffer from allergies, some not so well known and we will make a statement.
Many people like to expose to the sun and enjoy its warmth, but that night a few people to the epidermis, producing a sun allergy that causes rashes in the skin, which is tedious and in extreme cases heartburn subside. All we have to bathe every day, but those who suffer from hives aquagénica that they must strike a punishment, because they suffer from ronchas by water, of course they are not very clean you can not the blame, he also exist people who are allergic to his own sweat, which is more serious than that of water, since the substances from the sweat they must report to doctor immediately.
Allergies produced by temperature are not common, but they exist, so it occurs in people who are exposed to cold ronchas and whistling in the chest and that if in the heat, and excessive sudoración ronchas in the skin. Allergy to hormones is something we can control, since, to continue to produce, would be a serious consequence, drug regulators exist happily, another unusual allergy that is posed by those who perform exercise or suffer from mechanical vibrations usually occur sores and rashes that are controlled by creams.
Finally allergy under pressure that is to say to tighten the skin, producing spots and ronchas and most unusual is allergy to semen is only five resulted in porciento of the general female population in the Women with fertility problems.
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