Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The lawyer and his great contribution of vitamins A and E
The lawyer, also known as a lawyer, comes from Mexico.
Its taste and texture properties of food and gave him a privileged place in the gastronomy of the whole world.
He can only eat so much or use as a garnish exquisite and best of all is that it combines with almost all foods.
According to nutrition experts counsel is rich in fat unsaturée equal to which they are found in nuts, peanuts and almonds. But he added a key that is his great contribution of vitamins A and E, essential for healthy skin and hair.
By eating a serving and 58 grams (which is equivalent to the third part of a room) is incorporated into the body, 18% of vitamin A which is required daily to prevent skin diseases as some types of dermatitis.
The lawyer keeps cells young and gives them a greater retention of liquids, that it helps the skin is still humectada. In addition, Vitamin A prevents eye problems like cataracts, glaucoma and deformation of the stain.
It prevents premature aging of the body, protecting the skin, hair and mucous membranes, such as those that cover the eyes and mouth. Moreover, it is a large fountain of potassium, minerals essential for the proper functioning of the body.
Good for our body
It's nice to know how he contributed for our health. Vitamins are always important. I recommend you take them to avoid diseases; check out Vitamins Canada now.
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