Proclaimed by the United Nations, it has been celebrated since 1992 to acknowledge and recognize the experience and capabilities of persons with disabilities. Better, he comes to understand their living conditions and awareness of the benefits arising from their participation in all aspects of life.
Unfortunately, here and elsewhere, and for many, this may still be not just an ordinary day but another day longer be added to the long list of day already celebrated throughout the year .
Indeed, some research done around us, shows that many people are unaware of the CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, which has yet been adopted December 13, 2006 at UN headquarters and entered into force since March 30, 2008.
This is an opportunity to salute the countries who have ratified to give legal force to international treaty that seeks to restore justice. We have in fact realized in the world, "the possibilities of participation, equality and empowerment of full and entire available to persons with disabilities, particularly in the areas of rehabilitation, the education, training and employment, remain more limited than those enjoyed by persons without disabilities. This is largely due to the fact that persons with disabilities, victims of negative social attitudes, are deprived of an equal enjoyment of their rights as citizens. These same attitudes restrict opportunities for social contact and close personal relationships with others for people with disabilities. "(Preamble Action Plan Mali African Decade of Persons with Disabilities).
We, members of MONT ALEDJO INTERNATIONAL (MAIN), a young organization established in Quebec believe that this crucial period of ratification of the Convention, the International Day of Disabled Persons should not be overshadowed or unnoticed.
Believing that each individual is a disabled potential, it is desirable that everyone is aware of the text which should "significantly to redressing the profound social disadvantage experienced by disabled people and encourage their participation on the basis of equality Opportunities in all areas of civil, political, economic, social and cultural, in developed countries as in developing countries "(Preamble of the Convention - the point y).
If Canada, for its part, the work currently setting up ideal conditions for its ratification, we also welcome the active engagement of Quebec and its Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities, which recently launched the Action Plan 2009-2011 in respect of persons with disabilities. This act is both a real breakthrough and a visionary plan that paves the way for the eradication process of social stigma that is too often associated with disability and incapacity.
Until the convention also become a reality among us, MAIN in benefits, on the eve of International Day
persons with disabilities, to recall that according to The Canadian Association for the United Nations, more than 500 million people suffer from disabilities due to mental, physical or sensory impairment and, whatever the region where they live their lives is often limited by physical or social barriers.''
In doing so, each of us to his level, can contribute to building an inclusive society that respects the choices and needs of persons with disabilities and their families by demonstrating:
- Against prejudice and discrimination.
- Against all forms of exploitation, discrimination or violence.
- Were promoted to the education and employability of people with disabilities and
- To prevent that is to avoid putting his life and that of others in danger on our highways, our workplaces, etc..
- For participation in the extension thereof which deserves a grant, through the media, our attention, as well as other conventions such as the Tokyo Convention, the Convention on the Rights of the Child or and the Convention against all Forms of Discrimination against Women ...
Finally, MONT INTERNATIONAL ALEDJO calling you to wear this
December 3, another view on the issue related to disability in general and to contribute to the popularization of the Convention.
Make ours the familiar slogan of AWID, "Change is not alone. We collectively provoke.