Sunday, November 20, 2011

Newborn baby kidnapped was thrown into the exit channel

Morning of 4 / 7, boys were born 11 days old stranger abduction was thrown into the canal Hospital Bac Lieu for home. But the mother is shocked to be treated at the hospital.

Saving Newborn baby boy was kidnapped, thrown into the canal

Afternoon of 30 / 6, while napping with newborn son just 11 days old (not named), Ms. Le Thi Hong Nuong suddenly strange masked man, bound hand and foot to hold her to flee.

When people find out, untie her and her quest is found lying under the ditch water barely a house about 100 m. Fortunately, thanks to tree branches protruding head ditch to keep from being flooded so she survived.

11-day-old boy has recovered health after being kidnapped thrown into the canal near the house.

They were then taken to the emergency hospital. Healthy baby gradually recovered, but her severe psychological shock Nuong so far is still fear, not in contact with strangers.

Her husband and his wife Nuong Hai Duong Huynh difficult subject, go side bricklayer. The husband said no family conflicts. After birth in hospital, at home mother Nuong 2 days, then go home, the husband happened one day she was abducted.


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