On the topic of marriage written numerous articles and books. They set out a 1000 and a way to do it simpler, easier and faster. Some tips do work and some do not. And most important - it helps it not for everyone.
Someone comes easily, this science, someone has a very weak spots over which to work on. But to get started is to realize that it takes. Consider the details. To safely get married , it is desirable : to be able to attract the attention necessary to you men, to be able to build lasting relationships with them positively and be willing to take the family to have it, get a marriage proposal.
So why at some point there was a hitch? Why can not I get the ball rolling? It's all about intro personal conflict - a regression into the unconscious, playing the so-called "parent scenario." Intro personal conflict - a state in which a person has a contradictory and mutually exclusive motivations, values and goals with which it currently can not handle, can not establish priorities behavior.
Someone comes easily, this science, someone has a very weak spots over which to work on. But to get started is to realize that it takes. Consider the details. To safely get married , it is desirable : to be able to attract the attention necessary to you men, to be able to build lasting relationships with them positively and be willing to take the family to have it, get a marriage proposal.
So why at some point there was a hitch? Why can not I get the ball rolling? It's all about intro personal conflict - a regression into the unconscious, playing the so-called "parent scenario." Intro personal conflict - a state in which a person has a contradictory and mutually exclusive motivations, values and goals with which it currently can not handle, can not establish priorities behavior.
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