Chelyabinsk seriously ill patients a doctor puts on his legs usual jokes and pantomime. Unique method normalizes blood pressure and even helps in the treatment of cancer.
An appointment with the therapist, patients are in a hurry to be happy. Doctor to make people laugh to tears, but after friendly laughter leave his sessions are full of strength and health.
38-year-old Andrew Skutina ten years has been studying laughter and its effect on the human body. Based on the research of foreign scholars, he brought his own formula for longevity. So, in practice it has proved that after sessions Smehoterapiya every cell of the body is like new.
According to him, laughter cures so many diseases, such as colds. Laughter kills antibodies and external infectious microorganisms. "Just ten minutes of fun reduce blood pressure by 10 - 20 mm Hg. Headaches as a hand lifts, improving the blood, is the pressure, strengthens the immune system, decrease asthma symptoms, and sleep becomes like a baby ".
The treatment course consists of ten lessons of one hour. In the first stage patients are taught to breathe properly during laughter, the second - to pull a smile on the face, the third - without shame ape and pantomime show, while the fourth - to listen and tell jokes.
Earlier, American scientists in the study found that laughter is indeed able to extend human life, because it lowers blood pressure. It is noteworthy that the effect of laughter on the body equivalent to the result of physical
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