To be happy to help a sincere smile, to bring about positive thoughts, say researchers from the University of Michigan business in the U.S.. According to them, a fake smile affects mood and performance, and sincere, conversely, improve something, and more.
Often when working with clients from a specialist requires a constant smile on his face, but this practice leads to emotional exhaustion and, ultimately, adversely affects the quality of work. In order to test the effect on the performance of the smile, the experts have chosen a group of drivers of buses, monitored by two weeks.
Part of the volunteers had to smile "on duty" smile, the other - constantly thinking about nice things or remember something positive, to smile. As it turned out, insincere smile worst effect on women - they are upset and became worse faster than men in the same situation. Conversely, a sincere smile affects a woman's health better and faster than men's.
According to the authors, this effect is due to the fact that women's emotions are always more intense, and any falsehood in them causes the female internal conflict, leading to a deterioration of health. Nevertheless, scholars believe that the principle of "think positive" can help improve mood and performance for at least several hours for both men and women.
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