In the Internet there were ads on the treatment of Internet addiction. Get rid of the web offer psychologists who are developing special techniques. They say, "hovering" in the World Wide Web becomes more and more. And therefore treatment services are not cheap - about 500 USD. per hour. And, as a rule, requires dozens of sessions to resolve the issue.
SYMPTOMS. Told us a psychiatrist, director of the Center of Applied Psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry Eugene Voronkov, called The Internet can be anyone who begins to talk less (or no longer) with family and friends, immersed in the virtual world. Basically, it concerns young people, especially those who have to spend much time at home.
"Sometimes a man does not eat, little sleep, replacing these needs time spent in the network - says psychologist addiktolog (born addiction - dependence. - Auth.) Ruslan Ilchenko. - The person begins to lie about what not to do something because of the Internet. "
According Ilchenko is subspecies of Internet addiction: "Sex, when the patient sits on a porn site, watching erotic videos. Gambling and just dive in sotsseti that knocks a person out of a real society. These people are usually not enough "real" friends. "
HOW TO TREAT. Experts say - to treat Internet addiction is more complicated than, for example, alcohol and drug: "Its main danger - zavualirovannost when it seems that there is no harm to man, his family, it does not work - says Voronkov. - To treat Internet addiction need only psychotherapy, pills will not help. Sometimes, of course, when the lack of 5-10 hours of therapy, but it is very rare. In one case, it took 80 hours to rescue 19-year old boy. He sat at night in online games, afternoon sleep, because of this it had been thrown out of high school, where he studied for 2 years. Slowly but surely, within a few months, we managed to redirect his passion for a useful direction - he took a job at a company associated with the programming. "
His colleague Ilchenko sure that will help group therapy: "We must teach people to communicate with real people. We also teach how to properly use the Internet, not to become addicted. For example, configure antivirus software to block porn, block social networks. At work should deploy the monitor so that all saw it. It is psychologically will deter people in the desire to "divide" on the web. Or you may ask colleagues, that they followed you and warned, if you are too long for the Charite unnecessary sites.
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