Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heart Disease and sugar

Heart Disease and Sucre Una sweetness, it does not refuse ... But to stay in shape, especially after a heart attack, we must know that sugar and eat properly.

Sugar, not too enough!

Sugar is the foundation of our energy and our brain is very fond, so we must consume enough. But not too ... For not used, the sugar will participate in the formation of fat, and is co-responsible for overweight or obesity, bad for the heart.
The sugar can be both good and bad. In practice, it is the source of some misconceptions need to know to keep the pleasant side of sugary foods.
Fine teeth for life
We eat too soft!

Obesity and bypass: how to eat after surgery?

Most sugar is too beverages

Most of us believe that the sugar is basically sugar and suddenly we pay special attention to chocolate, candy, jams and cakes ... Yet the vast majority of sugar that we consume too much, almost 80%, from beverages:

* Alcohol: Sugar is the cause and once consumed, it becomes alcohol sugar in our body. Moderate consumption can make 5% of calories per day ... Multiplied by 300 days per year that is a lot of calories. As for those who drink a little or a lot, this may represent over 10% of daily calories. This explains many bellies in men ...

* Fruit juices, including orange juice in the morning is the concentrated sugar. It is better to take a fruit, freshly squeezed orange juice for example, rather than using a glass of fruit juice. In the long run it saves a lot of calories ...

* The soft drink, Fanta, Coke, lemonade, etc.. : It is also concentrated sugar. Prefer soft drink without sugar.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Against diabetes, bet on the greens

A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, has long been part of advice on nutrition to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Studies are now going further ...

Cons of type 2 diabetes, only green vegetables protect

The first publication (1), a meta-study (the researchers grouped all value studies done on the subject and have converted their results to achieve a result that says the state of science on the subject), the effects of increased consumption of fruits, vegetables or both are not significant with regard to type 2 diabetes. In contrast, individuals who consume more green leafy vegetables (like spinach or chard) saw their risk of developing type 2 diabetes reduced by 14%.

Why the greens are they useful against diabetes?

The reasons why green vegetables help fight against type 2 diabetes are not known very clearly. Historically, scientists believed that the antioxidant activity of vegetables that prevents some chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, by fighting against free radicals which has been shown that they can cause an early onset. But the leafy greens are among the richest in antioxidants ...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We eat too soft!

We eat too soft! With changing food habits, we eat and nibble more food and sugary soft. Finally, we chew enough, leading to adverse consequences on our weight and our teeth.

Less chewed, the more you eat

When we eat soft food, chewing is unimportant. But chewing strengthens our feeling of satiety. Thus we tend to eat more food when they have a soft consistency (hamburger, for example) because they swallowed more quickly but also because the satiety signal arrives later.

Chewing too little teeth alters

In the long run, jaws working less and less and the bones are no longer stimulated. Accordingly, the teeth become less resistant.
And who says eating soft, says eating sticky, sugary and fatty foods. Result, caries and tartar grows, and the gum is assaulted.
And finally, since chewing is reduced, the production of saliva is reduced. N
ow it has a self-cleaning.
Read phonetically

Monday, August 23, 2010

Indoor pollution

Indoor pollution: even the politicians are concerned!

Between March and May 2010, the air quality inside offices and homes of 35 MPs and senators, and Secretary of State for Environment, Chantal Jouanno was analyzed by investigators UFC-Que Select.

Result: 29 of these places have made a living air quality "bad", the other 7 do not exceed the word "average." In other words, in none of the homes tested the air quality has been described as "good"!

Benzene and formaldehyde, carcinogenic substances, were specifically detected in the samples. In some homes, these pollutants exceeded four times the minimum rate recommended. For formaldehyde, this was especially the case for the sample collected from the member Jean Mallot. For benzene, the MP Georges Colombier received the highest value. Conversely, the lowest rates were obtained among members André Flajolet and Jerome Lambert.

Wishing to draw attention to this widespread public health problem, UFC-Que Choisir "calls on legislators, especially those who participated in this survey, to act by adopting a Great Law of the fight against air pollution Internal.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Orientation and Gender Identity

Orientation and Identity sexuelle Chacun feels very own personal sexuality. And there are two very important and complementary aspects: gender identity that matches the gender (I am man or woman?)

Sexual Identity

Gender identity is the feeling of being fully man or woman. It's not as simple as that may seem! Indeed, outside of anatomy and hormones, there is also a social conditioning. Everyone learns to become a man or woman of his environment, because we do not deal with a little boy as we take care of a little girl. We do not talk to them in the same way, we do not interpret their attitudes in the same way, we do not ask them the same things ...
So when everything goes just, and this is the case most of the time, everything is obvious and classic! As adults, we get people feeling fully men attracted to women, or women fully women attracted to men ...


But sometimes you may become a grown man, and do not feel very manly, then there is suffering, that of a sexual identity slightly felt. At the extreme, we can meet men who perceive themselves as women: this is called transsexualism. On women, it is also possible to feel very unfeminine, to live poorly in her female identity. This can even cause a female to think, to consider, as a man. And it also transsexualism.
Along with this question of identity, there is another personal aspect of sexuality: sexual orientation is. I can be a man and be attracted to women. This is the most common situation! But I can also feel 100% manly man and be attracted to men. I feel so gay.
And I can be a woman, like most women attracted to men, or a woman attracted to women.
The difference between sexual identity and orientation is sometimes misunderstood. An example: it is sometimes said that homosexuals are effeminate. If this is true for some gay men (that is noticed more than others), we simply can not make a generalization: A gay man may well have a strong masculine identity and not feel feminine at all .
And it is the same for women. A very feminine woman, a healthy woman's sex, may be attracted to women.
We must therefore separate identity and sexual orientation that may not have a clear link between them and which lead to very different problems.
Thus, what is often suffer a difficulty in accepting to live with his sexual identity. If I am a woman and my breasts bother me, I judge myself as ugly woman, I may be struggling to accept me woman! This gives a lack of confidence ...
For sexual orientation, homosexual way when obvious suffering is that of acceptance by the surroundings, and society that domestic personal suffering. It is also necessary to know how to locate, which can also ask many questions ....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Backache, headache for our teens glued to their screen!

Backache, headache for our teens glued to their screen! In addition to promoting physical inactivity and overweight, the hours spent in front of a TV screen, computer and console games are also accused of giving the wrong back and cause headaches. What is it really?

It is a fact, youth have more backache and a headache!

The pain in the back, neck and shoulders, as are headache, do not just affect adults but also teenagers. Among young people aged 12-19 years, the main concern felt pain the head, immediately followed by the back. The stomach ache is only in third position. But we also find that the complaints are more frequent. For example, between 1991 and 2001 they increased by studies, 22-50% for males and 44-50% among girls.

The decrease in physical activity, poor posture, a binder too heavy, are all factors that could contribute to the increasing frequency of pain among adolescents. Unless the time spent watching TV or a computer, which has also sharply increased in parallel, that explains this ... A European study helps answer this question.

The screen is it generates pain in the adolescent?

This study included 30,000 adolescents aged 11-15, living in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland. They were asked to evaluate the average time they spend on daily activities on screen televisions, computers (work and / or leisure), game console.

They should also indicate the frequency with which they felt pain in the neck, lower back, headaches, etc.. (Less than once monthly, once, twice a month ...). Finally, the authors took into account the physical activity of candidates.

They find that among boys, 15-31% are prone to headaches and 11-21% suffer from backache. For girls the percentages are 26-44% for headache and 11-26% for the back. Finally, subjects who complain the most pain are those who spend the most time in front of a screen. The activities on screen thus increase the risk of pain in adolescents.

Caution, however, this relationship between screen and pain is not very strong. This means that activities on screen are not the only factor generating pain.

Friday, August 13, 2010

5 criteria to choose the right schoolbag

5 criteria to choose the right car table are so many models and at all prices, it is not easy to choose the right school bag for her children. If you are unsure, here are the main criteria you should consider.

A good binder is light

Once completed, the binder must not weigh more than 10% of the weight of the child. It is best to choose a small satchel, especially since surveys consistently show the subject in reality, children are much more often double, with a schoolbag that weighs more in the 8 kg.

The package is to be practical and not wider than shoulders

It is a criterion to meet: no binders wider than shoulders. It must be adapted to the level of education, age and morphology. But also easy to use and therefore easy to handle.

Rigid and durable

The child who tends to store its supplies in bulk, a rigid and resistant binder is preferable not to hurt his back.

With wide shoulder straps and padded

Large padded needed for comfort. Remember that the whole weight of the schoolbag weighs on the shoulders.

Ideally strap keeps the binder in a good position and limit its movements.

Briefcase on wheels or not?

The advantage of wheels is obvious, provided they do not have stairs to climb. So the question you should ask before making his choice on a briefcase on wheels! If you live on the 2nd floor without elevator and your child's class is also located on the 2nd floor, a wheeled briefcase has more disadvantages than advantages, because it is heavier!

And wear something heavy like a binder for example, children must learn to do it properly to avoid back problems. As explained in the Ministry of Education, do not lean the torso forward, keeping your legs straight, but bend them as much as possible and always lift the load as close to the body.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Your grocery list to face the season of colds and flu

You probably do your best to provide a balanced diet for your family to keep them healthy. But did you know that our immune system is so hard to keep us healthy? Healthy choices we make, such as the fact of consuming dairy products and low-fat protein, products made from whole grains and fruits and vegetables, enhance our immune system.

However, during the season of colds and flu, it is important to give an additional boost to our immune system to protect us against infection. You can strengthen your immune system by adding these foods to your grocery list for the season of colds and flu.

A good bowl of soup to your health! The soup is an essential food when ill. The portion size can be easily adapted - making it a perfect dish to satisfy the capricious appetite of a sick person. Indeed, nothing beats a good bowl used to treat a weak stomach or a sore throat, or a good vegetable soup (mushroom, celery or carrots) to boost the immune system. The steam emerges from a hot soup can help relieve nasal congestion and calm the tremors that accompany the fever. What about chicken soup? When you are ill, our body mounts an attack defense against pathogens and nutrients contained in the cup chicken can strengthen the immune system during this battle in order to eliminate these symptoms.

Long live the green! Difficult to admit that our mothers are always right, but it's true: we must eat our vegetables!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pertussis Support

* Preventive care: Vaccination

Pertussis vaccine
In France, the pertussis vaccine was introduced in 1959 it was extended in 1966 because of its association with diphtheria, tetanus and polio. (1)

Since the introduction of vaccination, it was found:

* 95% collapse in the number of pertussis cases and deaths
* But a resurgence of the disease in adolescents and adults.

The currently used vaccine (acellular) is better tolerated than the older vaccine (whole cell vaccine) that marketing is currently stopped. The secondary reactions, especially fever are less frequent. (6.10)

The pertussis vaccine provides immunity excellent but transient (not exceeding ten years): Callbacks vaccine are needed. (7)

In France, the vaccination is recommended at the age of 2 months because the infant pertussis can cause serious and sometimes fatal.

General recommendations (3)

Vaccination against pertussis is practiced with the acellular pertussis vaccine combined with other valences.

The primary immunization of infants has three injections one month apart, followed by a booster at 16-18 months. Given the persistence of a high incidence of pertussis in young infants, infected adolescents or young adults, a booster is recommended since 1998, between the ages of 11 and 13 years.

This second recall in early adolescence should be practiced in conjunction with the third recall diphtheria, tetanus and polio with a vaccine DTCaPolio.

For children who have escaped this recall at 11-13 years, catching up will be performed by the administration of a quadrivalent vaccine DTCaPolio, at the age of 16-18 years.

For children who received out recommendations, a pertussis booster at age 5-6 years, the pertussis booster 11-13 years will be deferred and a quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio be proposed at the age of 16-18 years.

In addition to the strategy called cocooning (see below "specific recommendations"), catching up with the pertussis vaccine quadrivalent dTcaPolio be proposed at any adult who had not received vaccination against pertussis during the last ten years, including at the decennial booster diphtheria-tetanus-polio 26-28 years, with the quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio.

In the current state of knowledge, including the duration of protection and safety of repeated doses, there is no need to administer more than one dose of quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio adults.

Specific recommendations (3)

Vaccination against pertussis is also recommended for adults who become parents in the months or years (called cocooning strategy), and during pregnancy. The updating of vaccinations for other family members (children not updated for this vaccination, adults who have not received vaccination against pertussis during the last ten years) is also recommended as follows:

* During pregnancy for the father, brothers and sisters possible and, where applicable, the adult responsible for the custody of the infant during the first 6 months of life, but also the grandparents may occasionally keep their grandchildren ;
* For the mother immediately after birth (breastfeeding is not a cons-pertussis to vaccination);

In adults, the minimum time between vaccination DTPolio administration of quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio can be reduced to two years.

Occupational hazards (3)

Vaccination against pertussis is recommended for:

* Nursing staff as a whole, including in residential homes for frail elderly (retirement homes), with a quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio at a point ten DTPolio,
* Students of medical and paramedical courses, on the same principle as the caregivers,
* Professionals in contact with infants too young to have received three doses of pertussis vaccine,
* The medical and paramedical staff of maternity hospitals, neonatal units, or any department of Pediatrics supports infants under 6 months
* Staff of early childhood (nursery, daycare, ...).

For all of these medical professionals, paramedical and in contact with infants, small children or the elderly, the minimum time between vaccination DTPolio the quadrivalent vaccine dTcaPolio can be reduced to two years.

Upon the occurrence of clusters in communities, this period may be reduced to a month.

Schedule of immunization against pertussis

* Primary immunization of infants: one dose at 2, 3 and 4 months and a booster dose at 16-18 months with a combined vaccine.
* Call to adolescence at 11-13 years (1 dose with a vaccine DTCaPolio).
* Call to adulthood at 26-28 years but if draft parenting, family environment of a pregnant woman, and no vaccination against whooping cough for 10 years (1 dose with a vaccine dTcaPolio ).

Note: A single dose of quadrivalent vaccine is now sufficient dTcaPolio adults. (3)

The goals of adult immunization against pertussis are:

* Reduce the incidence of pertussis in adolescents and adults
* Reduce the contamination of newborns and small infants unvaccinated
* To increase the immune vaccinated groups vis-à-vis this bacterium
* Reduce the circulation of this bacterium

Despite these recommendations, pertussis vaccination coverage in adults remained insignificant in 2006 (7)

* The cure

* Antibiotic treatment:
Antibiotic treatment has no effect on the evolution of the disease and has little effect on the cough but it is nevertheless essential because it eliminates the presence of the bacterium in nasopharyngeal secretions in 3-5 days, which decreases the risk of contamination. (7)
Antibiotic treatment is recommended for all persons in the immediate environment of the patient regardless of age or immunization status.

* Hospitalization in specialized of all infants younger than 3 months is systematic, constant surveillance with a cardiorespiratory monitor. (6.8)

* The single room isolation is important as the subject is contagious, that is to say during the five days following the initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment. (6)
* A satisfactory hydration.
* From the Respiratory physiotherapy to ensure drainage and bronchial pulmonary ventilation satisfactory.
* An adequate supply of food, split, or energy supplements

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pertussis Risk Factors

The main risk factor for the extreme ages of life:

* Infants (age less than 6 months and certainly less than two months).
In infants, pertussis can be very serious or even fatal (5). The majority of deaths occur in infants younger than 6 months.
* Seniors: because of their fragility.

Pregnant women are another risk category.

Finally, point out that there are professions contamination as caregivers because of their contact with the elderly, children, infants under 6 months or more students in medical and paramedical courses. (3)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Food-antioxidants prevent cancer

The food-antioxidants prevent cancer?

The antioxidant foods they help in preventing cancer and heart disease?

Start with a definition: An anti-oxidant is an agent that slows the breakdown of food and certain organic compounds or materials due to the effects of oxidation. Antioxidants can neutralize the harmful effects of free radical molecules that can potentially have toxic effects. Some foods contain anti-oxidants. Some food additives contain anti-oxidants and thus have anti-oxidant.

Statistics show that people who eat fruits and vegetables rich in polyphenols and anthocyanins, lower their risk of cancer, heart disease and some neurological diseases. However, despite the clear role of oxidation in cardiovascular disease, controlled studies using antioxidant vitamins have observed no reduction in the risk of developing heart disease.

This suggests that other substances in fruits and vegetables may explain the better cardiovascular health of people who consume more. The researchers found that people taking Vitamin E supplements reduce the risk of developing heart disease. But none of these studies showed a statistically significant effect of Vitamin E on overall number of deaths or deaths from heart disease.

He is not certain that the doses used in these tests or doses found in most dietary supplements are capable of producing a significant decrease in oxidative stress. A recent study "en dash Supplementation Vitamins and Minerals Antioxidants (SU.VI.MAX) evaluated the effect of the addition of a food supplement at doses comparable to that obtained with diet healthy.

In this study, 12,500 French men and women took low-dose antioxidants or placebo tablets for an average of seven and a half. The researchers found that there was no statistically significant effect of antioxidants on cancer, heart disease and overall survival. However, an analysis of sub-group showed a 31% reduction in cancer risk among men, but no significant reduction among women.

Our recommendation?

This study shows that it would be unwise to consider dietary antioxidants and more generally food supplements as an effective safeguard to prevent cancer. These products are rarely prescribed by physicians, and medical shows traditionally a reluctance on the latter. It can provide additional protection only. For us, this study shows clearly that it is much better to encourage a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.