Through stories of near death experiences (NDE or EMI), we discover the final stage reached by a small number of patients who experienced because it is important to note that statistically, few of them who arrive at this stage of "beautiful landscape" (often less than 30% describe it, and its appearance may differ depending on version) and even fewer who manage to enter into a relationship with strange "beings of light."
Based on this evidence, it seems that contact with them, the near death experience coming to an end, since no relationship with any entity has been reported so consistently.
That perhaps it is the product of our imagination or a guardian angel?
Nobody really knows.
Always it is that it represents a form of higher authority, a creature with human form and provided with a sparkling charisma outside the norm, whose qualities of goodness and the ability to penetrate our minds would soon foreshadowed his approach.
It would perform multiple functions, including one, essential, always turn around notions of "good" and "bad things" that we made on earth.
For that we take stock of our existence, it has the power to make us live our lives here, as an examination of conscience, a true philosophical and ethical reflection would lead us right to a meditation on the nature of our actions.
However, he never espouse the function of a judge who blame us or we sanction, and, on the contrary, he would take care of any award for best to exhort us to distinguish ourselves reach harmful or beneficial to our past actions towards others.
Curious phenomenon that this confrontation with this person, who frankly, does not bear comparison in everyday life.
One must keep in mind that if this step is indeed a must for all, "the witnesses despite themselves" are true survivors of the afterlife that may be responsible for issuing a message that we are supposed to decipher wisely.
Tackling an examination of conscience so acute that can leave deep psychological marks, the first effects should be felt hopelessly out of his coma.
Another peculiarity of this "being of light" would be able to view the misfortunes we still raging on Earth as we almost left, and we would then simply viewers of this film, whose mission would be another power awareness on our part.
Ultimately, the journey would end in a teleportation in a "city of light", and this would be the ability to decide on this trip, by means necessarily supernatural.
These surprising revelations can only reinforce their views of the people honestly versed irrational, especially as these experiences have been recounted in detail by people like you and me, or unrepentant skeptics convinced Cartesians.
EMI being of light has been seen 3529 times.
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