The Romans used successfully willow bark (the base del'aspirine) to relieve the suffering of sick and wounded. In the first century AD the Roman physician advised Dioscuri compresses based herbal willow to cure gout and rhumatismes.Le physician of ancient Greece, Hippocrates also used willow bark to prepare recipes anesthetics and febrifuge.
In 1988 we launched this new market under the name aspirin.
In 1918 the deadliest pandemic in human history began in lemonade, she took between 20 and 50 million lives and aspirin is stopped.
It was the best recommendation and the product has been called "the medicine of the century" quickly became popular worldwide.
New opportunities: The interest of scholars of aspirin has been paid by the discovery of Professor in Pharmacology John Wein. In 1971 ila shown that aspirin has a direct influence on pain mediators, prostaglandins. Thus, if we take small doses of aspirin for a long time this will decrease the risk of thrombosis of coronary and cerebral arteries (that is to say, for the prevention of heart attack and stroke).
Through ongoing studies, the sphere of use of aspirin was much enlarged. It was established by example that aspirin increases the level of interferon and thus can help to fortify the refractory system.
"Recent studies conducted by American doctors have recommended this drug to cure certain forms of cancer. We study the effectiveness of this product in the fight complications of diabetes mellitus and senile dementia including Alzheimer's disease and l herpes. The experts also note that aspirin helps to cope with the height and relief of pressure, "announces the press release.
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