Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ashmolean Museum

His donations to the British Museum, the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, and the Egypt Exploration Fund were generous, but it was his support of Petrie’s excavations in the Fayoum which was particularly significant. Petrie had become Hon. Joint Secretary of the Egypt Exploration Fund in 1883, and excavated for the Fund in Egypt during 1884–6. However, he quarrelled with them, and decided to set up an archaeological body of his own, which would be independent. With his original source of funding for excavation no longer available, he faced considerable difficulties, but through the good offices of Amelia Edwards, Jesse Haworth was approached. Petrie received the welcome news that a new avenue of support for his excavations in Egypt had appeared. In his book Seventy Years in Archaeology, Petrie recalls this important turning point, While in England, I heard that the offer of help in excavating came from Jesse Haworth of Manchester, through the kind intervention of Miss Edwards.


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