Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Body records

Longest nails
Shridhar Chillai of pune, india (1937-) has not cut the nails on his left hand since 1952. By 2000 the total length of his nails on that hand was over 600cm.

Longest beard
Hans Langseth (1846-1927) had a beard that measured 5.33m. It has been in the Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA, since 1967.

Longest Moustache
Kalyan Ramji Sain of Sundargath, India, holds the record. His moustache measures 3.29m form tip to tip.

Longest hair
Swami Pandarasanndhi was the head of a monastery in madras, India. When his hair was measured in 1949 it was 7.9m long.

Longest sneezing bout
Donna Griffiths of Pershore, Worcestershire, started sneezing on 13 January 1981 and continued for 978 days.
Longest hiccupping
Charles Osborne of Anthon, Iowa, USA, hiccupped from 1922 to 1990.

Maths genius
When he was only eight years old, American Zerah Colburn (1804-40) worked out how many seconds had elapsed since the birth of Christ. He did this in his head within seconds. When zerah was asked whether 4,294,967,297 was a prime number (one that cannot be divided evenly by another number), he instantly replied that it was not – it is equal to 641 times 6,700,417.


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