Italian genius Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is best known as a painter, anatomist, sculptor and architect. His paintings The Last Supper and Mona Lisa are among the most famous of all time. But he is also hailed as one of the greatest inventors who ever lived. Among his notebooks he left plans for countless advanced machines, often with descriptions written in secret mirror writing. Many of them were never built, but they anticipated modern inventions, often by hundreds of years. They include the following:
Air conditioner, Alarm clock, Ball-bearings, chemical and biological warfare, clock with minute and four hands, crane, diving suit and diving bell, double –hull ship, dredging machine, flying machine, gas mask, gears, giant catapults and crossbows, helicopter, lifebelt, magnetic compass, mechanical musical instruments, milometer, multi-barreled machine gun, one-person battleship, parachute, pedometer (for measuring walking distance), revolving stage, screw-making machine, shrapnel bomb, spectacles, steam engine, tank-like armored vehicle, telescope, water clock, water turbine
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