Sunday, June 28, 2009

Crazy inventions

There is no end to the extraordinary items dreamed up by inventors – a self-raising hat (1896) for the polite man with his arms full; spectacles for chickens to protect their eyes from other fowl that might attempt to peck them (1903); an automatic haircutter (1951); a motorized ice cream cone (1998) which rotates against the tongue. Here are some other examples.
Parachute fire escape
This invention was patented in 1879 by Benjamin B. Oppenheimer of Trenton, Tennessee, USA. It was made up of a parachute attached to a helmet and padded shoes that would allow a person to leap out of a blazing building and land safely – if he was lucky enough not to break his neck.

Spider ladder
This invention was perhaps not so crazy for people who are scared of spiders. British inventor Edward Doughney’s 1991 patent helps spiders to climb out of a bath.

Elephant springboard
A British patent was issued to E. Wulff in 1904 for a springboard that would make an elephant turn a somersault. The animal’s heavy landing was problem that Mr. Wulff failed to solve.


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